Informative 2007 Thread on Freshman Scheduling

<p>Here is a golden oldie that was very helpful when my son registered as an incoming freshman. It started out being directed at Kelley DAs, but some of it applies to everyone.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Take special note of the discussion of the grade distribution lists.</p>

<p>This thread was really helpful ,especially the part about grade distribution. I now have a list of classes for orientation. I wish A2wolves could be my advisor, is he still around or did he graduate? Thanks IllinoisMom!</p>

<p>A2Wolves graduated back in December, 2008–and I haven’t seen him on the site since then–either here under the Indiana University threads or under any of the other threads he used to frequent on collegeconfidential.</p>

<p>He was a sports management major–and confided in me about a year ago as to his future plans, which were to try and obtain a job with ether the Houston Texans or Detroit Lions helping them with their scouting and draft picks. He had connections in this regard (apparently, especially with Houston), but whether he was successful, I don’t know. He had previously worked with the Indiana University football team (about two years ago when they were quite successful and were in a college bowl game) in helping them with their sports development and scouting programs, but had asked that this not be revealed or discussed until he left the university. I only mention it now because they are the only ones I know who might have some idea how to contact him–and whether he was successful in his placement. Since I never did find out his real name (which I wouldn’t reveal even if I did know it), there’s not much else for me to add other than that he was a great contributor on this site and seemed like a real nice guy–and that we miss him here on this site. I wish him well.</p>