Inner workings of the Prep School College Advising Office

Full support means that this candidate has a reasonable chance of admission to that college and is encouraged to apply with no misgivings on the GC’s part or those who will be writing LORs. Look, we need to clear this thread of any intimation of horse-trading or playing favorites or somehow stacking the deck for or against applicants or hurting anyone’s chances at any school they are a good match for. That isn’t what’s happening.

What DOES happen is that the BS has a long history with many colleges, and they talk all year long. When app season comes around, the BS has a very good idea of how many offers are likely to come from that college, and they will know what that college needs or is looking for that year and which of their students are potential fits.

Let’s say college A historically admits 5-10 students from this BS and has indicated to that BS what they’re looking for that year. The BS may know that 50 students want that college, but they aren’t going to encourage all 50 students to apply because not all 50 students are equally good matches, so most of those applications would be a waste both on the applicant’s end and the college’s end. The BS does NOT know which students college A will admit, but they DO know which have the best shot, so they will encourage however many in that pool of 50 really do align with what college A is looking for – and that may be 20 viable applicants for those 5-10 seats, so they will encourage those 20 students and steer the remaining to other colleges so as not to waste anyone’s time. The BS is NOT “getting anyone in” to college A. They are simply gating their best fits to that college to preserve their relationship with that college and avoid wasted apps.

We talked about this a bit in an older thread.