Can a student from UC Merced please pop in here to comment on how life has been in at the University since you’ve started attending?
There is a dearth of info from people who have actually attended.
From parents, they seem to like it but that may just be because UCM throws money at them so what’s not to like when they don’t have to pay as much? Plus we all know going through high school and what your parents think your experience of going through high school are two different things. And now we are at the college level where it would be even more so!
From people who have visited, they seem to like it but that may be because the school knows how to put on a good show and sound good?
What about the students who are actually going there now?
In particular I’m concerned about about a few things I’ve heard.
The food. How many places are there to eat on campus. What are they serving that is so meh? What are the hours? Is there worry about food safety? I heard there were incidences of food poisoning in the past.
Recreation center. It would appear rumors of them not opening and being available throughout the whole daytime are possibly true looking at the hours they are open on the website. Can someone confirm? When was the last time you went to the rec center? What offerings do they have from the rec center to do?
Free events. Any free events on campus in the last year? If so what were they?
Weekends. What do people do on the weekends and after school hours? What have weekends been like the last semester?
The pluses I generally hear about the school is that it is growing and that the faculty to student ratio makes for small classes because it’s still a young university. Does that mean every year the class sizes are getting bigger? How would that be a plus? What would attract students to UC Merced once the class sizes are big like the other UCs and the school is in no longer growing in size and things are no longer brand new?
Internships. Where did you end up interning if you did? Research. What year were you when you obtained research and what was it like?
Car or no car?
Fun things to do. First, if you’re an engineering major is there time? How time consuming is the academic part of it? In your free time what kind of things did you do besides the rare excursions out of town?
Years to graduate. How many years did it take you or is it looking to take you to graduate?
Jobs. Easy to get a job on campus? Are they flexible around finals time with hours? How is the career center for when it’s actually time to graduate and find your first job after college?
Music. There’s no music department. What music groups are active there?
Okay I will stop now - I can go on but I am thinking there may not be anybody reading this anyway - there doesn’t seem to be a lot of students from UC Merced here. The school is almost 40K per year. I want to be sure I’m seeing it with eyes wide open and in the present and not just with rosy future potential colored glasses.
Thanks so much for any input.