Insane acceptance numbers

<p>This year we received over 25,000 applications for freshman slots of
which, only 5,600 will be available for the incoming freshman students.
Please be among the first to send us your confirmation and your deposit
as we are anxiously waiting to make you part of the Badger family. </p>

<p>this was an e-mail i got from the admissions counselor.</p>

<p>i was just amazed at how many people applied for how many spots there actually are. so were looking at an acceptance rate of less than 25%.</p>

<p>is this unusual. what was the acceptance rate for previous years?</p>

<p>nonono, they acccepted more..just some ppl decided not to go to Wisconsin. So let's say they have 25,000 apps, they accept like 55% of it. So 14,000 applicants were accepted. Next of those 14,000....around 5600 would enroll at madison. That's how you get the 5600 number. They accept more knowing ahead of time that not everyone who was accepted is gona go there.</p>

<p>yep Zouman is right...for once hahaha....still think wisconsin is gonna lose to davidson?</p>

<p>They might as well win. I had Georgetown in that sweet 16 spot anyway, so if anyone is gonna win I want it to be WISCONSIN!</p>

<p>It is hard for the admissions people- they are trying to second guess how many of those they accept will attend. They admit more than they expect to attend knowing many will go elsewhere, with so many more applicants this year it is hard to figure out what percentage of those accepted will attend- did many apply who want to go elsewhere, or do that many more want UW? The sooner accepted students decide the sooner UW admissions can can let those waiting to hear know if they can come.</p>

<p>I work in the admissions office here at UW-Madison. The acceptance rate will be in the 40s this year.</p>

<p>I hope so--I have a bet with XIGGI on that. Over/under 50%</p>

<p>@ barrons: You don't need to take it from me...I think you've officially won the bet.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>"Admissions Director Robert Seltzer said the university has already received 24,759 applications for the fall freshman class, up from 24,210 last year. He added the number of applications has been steadily increasing for at least 10 years."</p>

<p>"UW plans to accept around 12,000 applicants, with the expectation that around 5,600 will choose to enroll. Last year, 56 percent of students who applied were admitted into the fall 2007 freshman class."</p>

<p>Yes, we saw that. He's said is was a puff piece and the real numbers would be over 50%.</p>

<p>Well it's not, I can promise you that.</p>

<p>mohammad wong, just curious...wut do u do at UW-Madison? what departemnt?</p>

<p>^I'm not an adcom, but I work in the admissions office. I'm an undergrad student.</p>

I hope so--I have a bet with XIGGI on that. Over/under 50%


<p>I guess we'll wait a bit longer for official numbers. :)</p>

<p>Looks like my odds just went down. Guess they need to make the Final 4 instead of just the Sweet 16.</p>

<p>Well, the odds were not in your favor, especially when looking at the historical data. I think it was an easier bet for me to make. Let's call it a spit decision. </p>


<p>You are being very gracious.</p>