Inside GW: Admitted Students' Day

Last year they had their own class that they attended (mock class?). Not sure this year. The professors, at least for freshman can be hit or miss, but by using ratemyprofessor it helps. For Econ you only want to get Foster, but she is the best!

@TekSan No, students at Inside GW did not attend a class, but maybe you could call ahead to request this?

@liveyourlife26 Yes, I was saying that I found both FB and the Vern to be safe. We have close family in Federal law enforcement in both DC and VA, who both attended grad school at GW.

@TekSan for students admitted to Columbian College there was an option to attend a Political Science mock-lecture. I am not a polisci major but I found it very helpful in seeing how classes would typically go. I was certainly impressed.

Thank you @csiingwersen, @sdl0625, @mamatojjandkk.
The mock lecture might do the trick. I think my son needs to see how a bigger class would be taught at GW. In the college search, he’s experienced sitting in 20 person discussion classes and also a 500 person lecture.

@TekSan Large classes are typically only taken during one’s freshmen year, and only about half of my classes freshmen year were traditional large lecture size. However, GW has a policy where if there are 50+ people in one class, a mandatory discussion is also held. The “discussion” is taught by a TA (no actual class is) and they basically go over principles taught from the week in much smaller class section sizes (of about 20-30 students).

Does anyone know when the all-you-can-eat cafeteria (vs. paying per item) at the Vern will open?

@SkipWoosnam The all-you-can-eat option will be available right when fall 2018 semester begins.

Thanks @liveyourlife26. It’s great to know that the policy kicks in at such a low number.

For anyone who hasn’t had a chance to visit GW, a one hour tour (actual is 1:16 including Q&A) is on Youtube. Look up “insider gwu tour” on Youtube to find it. It was done last year for a live stream.

There seems to be some students on this thread - I was wondering if any of you know: do interns work on the GW admissions phone line or is it AO’s? GW has seriously messed up something with my acceptance and I need to talk to someone who works in the office. My regional rep won’t have the solution to my problem.

Where is the meeting location at GW for Inside GW?? We are going tomorrow. The confirmation email said information about the location would be sent by email, but we have not received any more information about where to meet. Thanks in advance!

@pickledginger We’re on a different day but ours said:
Check-in will begin at 8 a.m. in the Admissions & Alumni Welcome Center in the Marvin Center (800 21st Street NW).

@TekSan, thank you very much!

For anyone wondering, today’s Inside GE registration was at Lisner Auditorium 730 21st St NW.