Inside Medicine. What Are You Seeing? [COVID-19 medical news]

Is he the one who thought he had COVID back in 2020?

Good news for you is that he already felt sick when you first posted about the situation and you’re still symptom free.


If I understand correctly from post #3925:

Day Events
0/Saturday Indoor gathering with a total of eight people.
1/Sunday Guest #6 (23 year old, J&J*1 in May) feels sick.
2/Monday Guest #6 tests positive for COVID-19.
4/Wednesday Guest #1a (“one man in first married couple”, early 50s, Pfizer*2 in May, unverified claim of having COVID-19 in February 2020) has “cold”.
6/Friday Guest #1a known to be positive for COVID-19, feels more sick.

COVID-19 is most contagious just before symptoms, so it is likely that guest #6 was presymptomatically contagious on day 0, due to showing symptoms starting on day 1. Guest #1a starting to show “cold” symptoms on day 4 is consistent with the typical timeline from exposure to symptoms of COVID-19.


Yes, you are right. (Edited.)

-Married couple 1, early 50’s, fully vaxxed in May. Pfizer. Husband says he “has a cold” on Wed. Positive PCR test today, Friday. Aches, fever, chills, cough. He’s 1a, yes, feels more sick. Yes, this family thought they may have had covid in Feb 2020
Now wife has had a positive PCR test, no symptoms.

-Married couple 2, late 50’s, fully vaxxed in Feb. Pfizer. One of them has moderately serious underlying conditions. They haven’t had boosters yet, were going to get soon. No positive tests yet, no symptoms.

-Woman, early 60’s, J&J in April, had covid in August. No symptoms. Don’t know if she tested or not.

-Woman, early 60’s, had covid in early March, then J&J in June. No symptoms, going to test tomorrow.

-Me. Mid 50’s, vaxxed since early April. Pfizer. No positive tests, no symptoms…yet. :crossed_fingers:

-23 year old vaxxed with J&J in late May, covid positive. Patient Zero. Tested positive on Monday, after feeling sick on Sunday, achey legs and fainted twice. She feels fine now.

I’m still doing my saline nasal rinse twice a day and taking vitamins and zinc. Wish me luck.


Have any of the people gotten tested and found negative for COVID-19?

Yes. Me, the other married couple, and the wife of 1a have all had negative covid tests. I’ve tested twice, married couple tested twice, wife of 1a had a negative before today’s positive. I don’t know if the two women who had covid in March and August, both vaccinated, have tested yet, but neither has said they have symptoms.

I tested negative this morning. I have bought more tests. I’m testing again for the next several days. My husband just got back from a trip and he’s sleeping in another room and will test every day too. We’ve already practiced this drill before when we thought our son maybe had covid in March 2020.

Did the Pfizer-vaxxed wife in couple 1a get a booster shot?

One of the eight had a booster.

She had J&J in the first place so she got a booster J&J. She got her shot about three or four days before the dinner party. I can’t see her getting sick.

1a’s wife not having had a booster must have some incredible immunity not getting it from her H!

1a’s wife is positive. She just has no symptoms. Hopefully she will continue not to. Their 17 year old is negative as of now. He was not at dinner party and came home as four of us left.

Woman with J&J booster and the 23 year old (mother and daughter, btw) stayed the night, so perhaps Husband 1a got a lot more viral load because they spent much more time with them in the house.

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Another negative test for me, this morning. So far, three negative tests.

I think I will probably get a PCR test to be sure.


Ah …yes…the devil is in the (data) details…

‘After accounting for the vaccination rates and stratifying by age groups, from these same data we can see that the vaccines retain high effectiveness (85-95%) vs. severe disease, showing that when it comes to preventing severe disease, the Pfizer vaccine is still performing very well vs. Delta, even in Israel from whence the most concerning data have arisen.’

’ In the case of vaccine effectiveness vs. severe disease, it is the fact that both vaccination status and risk of severe disease are systematically higher in the older age group that makes overall effectiveness numbers if estimated without stratifying by age misleading, producing a paradoxical result that the overall effectiveness (67.5%) is much lower than the effectiveness for either of the age groups (91.8% and 85.2%).’

’ This is not just an issue of making vaccines look worse than they are … any summary computing “proportion of hospitalized that are unvaccinated” that covers a period of time in which the proportion vaccinated was low can be similarly misleading, especially if there was a massive Covid-19 surge during that time periods. For example, computing total proportion of hospitalized covid infections in the USA from unvaccinated individuals while aggregating over the entire 2021 (January to present), a time periods that includes the early months in which virtually all USA residents were unvaccinated and there was a massive winter surge, will be similarly misleading. Thus, these artifacts can be used by some to make the vaccines look better than they in fact are, e.g. any report suggesting things like 99.9% of hospitalizations are from unvaccinated when covering a long period of time like this.’ (this is exactly the issue with the Texas numbers presented earlier)

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So it is looking like:

  • #1a and #1b were the hosts.
  • #3 and #6 stayed overnight, in addition to the indoor dinner.
  • #6 was probably presymptomatically spreading at the dinner and overnight.

So it is not too surprising that #6 probably infected #1a and #1b, but most of the other people appear to have escaped infection, due to the lesser time of exposure. #3 may have been protected by immune response from two J&J doses and prior infection, although the most recent dose may have been too recent for full effect.

(Numbered by the order you list the people in posts #3925 and #3984.)

So far, that appears to be the case.

J&J boosted woman, #3 (had covid in August, mother of 23 year old, #6) has tested negative today.

Having been there, pre-vacvine, I know it can be nerve racking. A PCR in addition seems like overkill though. Why not just universally wear a good mask and go about your life until you hit 10 days? That will protect others if that’s your concern. You won’t get treatment for asymptomatic disease if you are positive. The question becomes, what will the PCR change? This won’t be your last rodeo. It’s important that we all strategize management and coping mechanisms. Hang in there!


You may have missed my earlier post that my husband returned from a trip yesterday. Now, hearing that two more people are positive, I’m thinking it might be good to have a PCR test. Very hard to avoid giving it to the person you live with, and peace of mind would be nice. And if I don’t have it, I know at least my husband won’t get it from me.

I wear masks everywhere, so I am very sure I haven’t given it to anyone in the community.

Edit: @eyemgh adding that I’ve been doing home tests that are 84% effective. A PCR test is very accurate.

3 or 4 days isn’t enough for the MrNA boosters to be effective. What is the timeline for J and J?

I don’t know. But as I’ve mentioned, she was vaxxed with JJ and had covid in August. She tested negative today.

I did. Universal means in your house too. I can’t remember when your day 1 was, but you’re a long way towards the 10 days. You already have 3 negative tests. You could have a negative PCR and still give it to your husband. It’s a weird disease. It depends on the timing and accuracy of your PCR. You’d be safest to both mask indoors and sleep in separate rooms until you know you’re out of the woods. It’s ultimately important that you do what makes you comfortable. Be well!

EDIT: In real world application for COVID, the false negative rate with PCR is not insignificant. It’s when they’re positive that they’re almost certainly correct.

Got it. We slept in different rooms last night.

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Deleted sorry already addressed.

I hope you keep testing negative

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