Inside Medicine. What Are You Seeing? [COVID-19 medical news]

If they didn’t lie and they didn’t pay, good on them. Clean conscience…full pocket.

I’m objecting to fabricating symptoms to save a buck because it pushes real disease down the queue. Systems don’t ration tests when there’s plenty of capacity.


My kid scheduled a test through the student health system, but they ask for a referral to avoid payment. However, the health center is closed and there is no way to get a referral. She will try to get money back from insurance once the health center opens up again.


From hospital leadership today.

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The good news is that no one is hospitalized out of all the positive employees


Mandatory vaccination for employees works!


It also looks like vaccination of employees was not very effective at preventing infection to the level of testing positive, but was highly effective at preventing the need for hospitalization if one is infected. Maybe this is specific to Omicron?


My daughter is a nurse in DC. Non ICU COVID floor. She has more COVID positive patients than ever before. But very few who are in the hospital because of COVID ( many incidentals)


Lots of so-called breakthrough infections with omicron, which the public health experts warned would happen. But the vaccine is proving effective in reducing hospitalization and death, with the caveat that hospitalization can lag a week after testing positive, so it may be too early to completely rule out a 0% rate.


I would never expect it to be 0. Even with a good match flu vaccine year there are a few hundred elderly and immune compromised vaccinated people who are hospitalized.


My father is having surgery next week and hospital/doctors require a negative PCR result within 5 days of surgery. They will not provide the test and told him to go to Walgreens or CVS. But he couldn’t set up an appt with either unless symptomatic. He has Medicare and/or is able to pay for a test but cannot find anywhere to get one in his town, including through the health dept. His doctor’s office is unhelpful. Should he just claim a symptom on the CVS form? I don’t know what he is supposed to do.

They should.


Agree that the hospital should be providing the test on site or tell you a specific location that they use off site. If your doctor is unhelpful, you frankly need a new doctor. I would try to call again, ask for an order. If the surgery cannot be postponed, then you have no other option. If surgery can be postponed, that’s another option. Facilities are short-staffed right now.

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Yes, with the Omicron explosion, it may not be a good idea to go into surgery and recovery while many staff are out after positive tests (and the risk of being exposed to COVID-19 is higher), if the surgery can be postponed.

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Surgery cannot be postponed. It is not elective but medically necessary. No alternative doctor. Father asked and the hospital is not providing test. Recommended Walgreens or CVS. Father is a former physician so does understand risks etc. I guess what I’m asking is how can he fill out the cvs intake form honestly and ethically when not symptomatic or exposed?

He is “asked or referred by health care provider” to get tested.


This is a situation where I think it is okay to do the pharmacy questionnaire and fill out that he has symptoms or MD wants test or whatever. CVS should have other questions, like, are you having surgery in the next week! His test is needed to protect others, and the surgery is necessary.

Editing here because @Hippobirdy had the actual text of the questionnaire and an MD wanting you to get the test makes it more than appropriate to get a test at a pharmacy

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Have you looked for tests here Community-Based Testing Sites for COVID-19 |

Or here?

That is exactly the info needed! When we looked at the questionnaire, we did not see that question about provider. I wonder why now. @Hippobirdy thank you so much!

Yes, looked there. Only one option outside cvs, Walgreens, local pharmacies (with similar questionnaires). The other option had no available appointments.

But @Hippobirdy helped tremendously and I’ve just texted my father to try again with CVS.

@teleia Yes, of course they should provide the test, but they aren’t providing it. So we have to go elsewhere.

Thanks, all.

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Can your father talk with local pharmacy, perhaps, they can put on waitlist if there are no shows/ cancellations.

Or can internist or nurse practioner in family practice can order a covid test?