Inside Medicine. What Are You Seeing? [COVID-19 medical news]

PCR through my doc yesterday was half an hour away and three hour wait. Already had to take yesterday off to do that. Can’t keep taking whole days off to test.

If you’re boosted here’s the latest guidance from CDC.

Individuals who have received their booster shot do not need to quarantine following an exposure, but should wear a mask for 10 days after the exposure. For all those exposed, best practice would also include a test for SARS-CoV-2 at day 5 after exposure. If symptoms occur, individuals should immediately quarantine until a negative test confirms symptoms are not attributable to COVID-19.

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if you work in a school – or any employer for that matter – follow their rules/guidelines, whatever they are. They are the best source of info as opposed to an anonymous internet board.


Wife had similar symptoms in mid-November, tested 2x via pcr, both negative. Upper respiratory infection, of which is going around big time.

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My school’s rules are the old CDC ones so mask for ten days if boosted. That’s fine. I’m masked anyway.

My biggest concern is being asymptomatic and giving it to D21 who is still home for two and a half more weeks.

So sorry about all this worry. This is an anecdote but hopefully will calm some worry. My nephew tested positive for COVID after having mild cold symptoms. Both my BIL and niece had some symptoms. My sister was fine. No one tested positive after multiple rapid and PCR tests other than my nephew. This is in Europe, they are all vaxed and boosted based on local guidelines. My BIL’s symptoms got progressively worse so he had to be seen and is on antibiotics for a sinus infection (he is prone to them). My nephew’s symptoms lasted for two days. My BIL might have to have another round of antibiotics. I hope all will be well in your house.

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Lateral flow and PCR are not flawless. The important things to remember are: 1) a negative, for several reasons, does not a guarantee one is negative 2) a positive is almost certainly positive 3) if you have symptoms and know you were exposed, presume it’s Covid regardless of what the tests say.


here’s what i’m seeing: two different ways of looking at something.

sis from CA Bay area visited us in midwest over christmas. vaxxed. she went shopping at the malls for a bit with my kids; third day here felt crummy; fourth day, took a rapid test and was positive for CV. immediately isolated at a hotel.

From her point of view: few masks, and lots of people out and about in the midwest; that’s why she got it.

Our point of view: We are vaxxed and boosted (4/6); none of us got CV. We home and lab tested, as well as watched for symptoms after being exposed to her. Our point of view: that booster sure made a difference.

we both have different thoughts on how it all went down; . She’s fine now; tested negative on day 5 and as the CDC guidelines changed while she was in isolation, she was able to get home on day 6. we’ll never know why she got it and we didnt.

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Our company is all remote. Many people have COVID. Everyone is boosted. . Interestingly the ONLY people with more than very very minor symptoms are the same 3 people who had breakthrough bad flu a few years ago. They are a wide range of ages and 2 of the 3 are in good physical shape. But they all were in general likely to be out sick more than others. A study of these correlations would be interesting.


There are different antibody tests:

  • Checks for spike protein antibodies: indicates vaccination or prior infection.
  • Checks for nucleocapsid protein antibodies: indicates prior infection, or vaccination with inactivated whole virus vaccines (not used in the US).

Antibody tests do not test for current infection or contagiousness.


We had the same scenario with our son, but he was boosted. I think what helped is that viral shedding and testing positive seem to be tightly linked for this variant. Just like your sister, he isolated right when he tested positive. Everyone exposed before that ended up negative. He likely wasn’t very infectious until he was isolated.

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My small town has 107 cases for a total population of under $3k.

Some reports cite scientists who say not too worry - this variant predated Omicron and failed to take off.


Thumb down wasn’t for you - just the idea of another variant. Boo!

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On the positive side, we will learn the whole Greek alphabet soon.


Rapids are not finding many cases in the folks I know. The ones that have managed to get PCRs are testing positive.

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Do you use the tiny swabs included with the BinaxNow kits or do you use a different swab? If different, any suggestions on model?

I don’t need to test at the moment, but would like to have the proper equipment on hand when needed.


You’re supposed to use the one supplied in the kit

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Thanks. That is what I feared. I cannot imagine that short little swab reaching the throat.

Someone said even the cheek is ok. Csnt remember where