Insight on graduation and transfer-out rates?

My DS is seriously considering Grinnell. He is a swimming recruit with academic ability that matches ~75%tile of the admitted. We paid a visit during the summer and we liked everything we saw.

We noticed that Grinnell has a lower graduation rate compared to similar caliber LACs (NESCACs and Carleton), 84% vs. ~95%. Also has a higher transfer-out rate of 10% vs 3-5% of the other schools.

Can someone with good insight explain the main reason(s) for the discrepancies? I don’t think the location factor alone would account for all these?

from my understanding, and from what i’ve read regarding the topic of graduation rates amongst top colleges, it depends on a wide variety of factors. location is one thing, yes, but you must also consider other factors such as students’ socioeconomic status.

this is not to say that students who are low-income at grinnell are not supported (i would know because i am one and i feel very supported here lol), but when compared to our peer schools, grinnell has a much higher percentage of students who come from lower-income backgrounds, so that could also be a reason (and it’s not just possibly a grinnell thing— it’s like that nationally at all colleges). we also have a much higher percentage of international students compared to our peer schools, so that could be factored in as well.

another reason could be that grinnell is pretty hard. the academics push you a lot. they’re rewarding, absolutely, but they will push you. if your son really liked grinnell, there’s no hurt in applying! i love it here, and i know many who will say the same.


Looking simply at first-to-second year retention rates in relation to the NESCACs, Grinnell places between Colby/Bates and Conn/Trinity. This seems sufficiently respectable so as not to represent a particular reason for concern. Outside of the NESCACs, Carleton does perform especially well, which is good for Carleton, but not a direct reflection on the many excellent colleges appearing below it.

Grinnell’s admission has been really helpful and transparent when we reached out to them on this topic. All the above factors are true. Beyond that, the transfer-out rate is calculated into the graduation rate.

The relatively high transfer-out rate is also due to the factors that @kalons mentioned, plus, some international students actually planned to transfer out as an easier way to get to Ivies with the strong reputation of Grinnell.