Insights on Applying Honors?

<p>Hi, everyone. Currently, I am an in-state Junior and Virginia Tech is my top school (followed closely by GMU). I really want to apply to the honors program. My GPA was a 3.92 at the beginning of the year but that should go up because of DE English and maybe AP Calculus (I have a B so far but I'm working on that). I'm at the top of my class if that helps any. I haven't taken the SAT yet, and I am STILL waiting for my PSAT score, but I did get a 93 on the ASVAB (not especially relevant but can be an indicator on how well one can do on the SAT). I know there are a lot of variables missing to chance me on acceptance, but I'm not looking for that.</p>

<p>I have already visited the website and have seen the minimum requirements to be invited to APPLY for honors (3.8 GPA [weighted or unweighted, I'm not sure.], 1350 SAT, or 30 ACT), but those are just minimums. In a nutshell, I want to know what it takes to be ACCEPTED. I know that every batch of applicants vary, but can anyone tell me their experience with applying for honors at VT? I do believe there is an interview? What was that like? Does applying Early Decision or Regular Decision impact chances? Are applicants viewed the same as a regular admissions, in context of their high school, or just bluntly compared to all of the applicants? (I'm asking because I go to a small school with very limited selection. Only 3 AP, one DE, and only English honors classes offered) Just looking for some insight here so any real feedback will be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Thank you :)</p>

<p>(This is for applying as incoming Freshman by the way. I do know current students can transfer in after the first year or so.)</p>

<p>IMO it’s a waste of your time to be contemplating your Honors application at VT. You should concentrate on your HS grades as your Junior year will greatly affect the overall gpa that you submit in your application to VT. Next, prepare yourself for the SAT. In the Spring consider visiting VT’s Open House and explore various majors. Visit GMU and explore similar options for your major. If you still want to apply to VT then decide whether you are going to apply ED or whether you want to keep GMU as an option for your final decision. Assuming you are accepted at VT then you can worry about your Honors application if you decide to attend. Participating in the Honors program should not be a factor in deciding whether to apply or attend either VT or GMU.</p>