Insights on Purdue Engineering for OOS incoming freshman

Hi I’m looking for any insights/information on Purdue Engineering for an incoming freshman from PA. Also considering Northeastern, Pitt, RIT and Lehigh. I know Purdue is ranked in Top 10 for Engineering which is amazing, but really don’t know much else about the school. Starting out as Mech Eng major, considering Electrical as well, very involved in FIRST Robotics (captain of high school team) - definitely want co-ops, international study and research opportunities. What large engineering companies recruit from Purdue? Really appreciate any information you can share - thanks!

Is there any reason you’re considering Purdue buy not Penn State?

Here’s the list of employers who came to Purdue for Industry Roundtable this year. It’s a very long list:

My freshman lined up her co-op at the January career fair. The co-op program at Purdue is VERY well organized.

She’s also going abroad to Italy this summer since her co-op starts next year. There were tons of trips of all different durations to choose from.

Research positions are open to sophomores and are plentiful!

My daughter is also from OOS. Hasn’t been an issue at all in terms of making friends and getting involved.

Admitted to Penn State main campus but didn’t apply to Honors College - never really had much interest in Penn State, but admittedly have not visited.

I’m in no way knocking Purdue. I have a family member there right now. She’s getting a good education and enjoying it. You must ask though…ranked top ten based on what factors? Find the methodology that answers that question and then you’ll know how much emphasis to put on ranking.

Again, not knocking Purdue, but recruiting for many companies tends to be regional. Noticeably absent from the career fair posted above, Apple, Facebook, Tesla, SpaceX, and JPL (any NASA for that matter) all heavily recruited on the west coast. Where does your student want to live?

The schools on your list are VERY different. A student that might thrive at Lehigh might hate Purdue. Love the city? They’d probably like Northeastern and hate West Lafayette. They will do well at the school they feel they will thrive the best at. They are all solid options, as is Penn State.

I’m not sure what the honors college has to do with anything. I just find it odd that you’d have interest in out-of-state Purdue but not the very similar in-state Penn State.

Was looking at the top-ranked engineering schools: MIT, CMU, Georgia Tech, Purdue, then more locally based schools like Pitt, Lehigh, Penn State, NU and RIT (ok not local)…Denied ED from CMU even after doing their AP/EA 6 week summer program and getting A’s in the Engineering and Nanotechnology classes, and recommendations from the professors. It was a pretty tough rejection to get.

I’m looking for NASA, Tesla and SpaceX specifically.Want to go into Robotics engineering, potentially autonomous vehicle design…

Tesla was on campus spring semester:

NASA sponsors a bunch of programs at Purdue and there were speakers galore from NASA this year:

SpaceX has definitely been to campus in the past but wasn’t on the list this year. Doesn’t mean students don’t apply to work there though!

Northeastern has regular co-op’s at all three places you listed (JPL for NASA).

As mentioned, these schools are very different beyond engineering strength, which is generally shared among these.

@PengsPhils believe me, I know. Northeastern was very impressive, and has absolutely everything we are looking for. But we applied RD ( I say we because I’m the mom and I’m very invested - I was a single mom to this boy for his first 10 years and he is so bright, so hard working, honest and deserving…) we are waiting for the decision. We have friends who,s kids have already been admitted with merit $$ and much lower stats. I just don’t understand it. He’s a very high achiever and you couldn’t ask for a more dedicated student. He applied ED to CMU after spending a summer there in the AP/EA program and getting As in the engineering and nanoscience classes, and was denied. This entire process has been very disheartening. He’s accepted to Penn State, Purdue, Pitt and RIT, so I’m trying to give each a fair shot and learn as much as I can. So far nothing compares to Carnegie, MIT and Northeastern. Praying for an acceptance to NU.

My son is a FYE transitioning to Mechanical. We are from NJ and he loves Purdue. The academics, the professional opportunities and the social aspects. That said, the engineering programs at the schools to which your son has been accepted are comparable and all will provide great opportunities if he puts in the work. Most on CC would advise that cost is the most important factor to consider (while one of the lower sticker price OOS public schools, Purdue gives out very little OOS merit dollars). After that it is all about “fit.” As another poster said, the schools your son is considering are very different. I would highly encourage campus visits and while there your son interacting with current students. If you have Purdue specific questions, feel free to PM me. Good luck to your son.

Thank you! We are visiting Purdue for admitted students day at the end of March - I’m really looking forward to it. I have really only heard great things about the school.

@Maureenbd, my D2 (homestate PA, Lehigh Valley area) also did not apply to Penn State for Mech Eng. Firstly, nearly half her high school friends who wanted to study Eng were attending Penn State! Also, she wanted a city school.

Purdue is a great choice, good luck to your son!

My advice would be to be sure to invest enough time at each campus to get as good a feel as you can. Talk to anyone you see - not just that admissions folks or the superkids they trot out to tell their stories at formal meetings. Talk to anyone you meet walking around campus by yourself.

My daughter was accepted to Purdue, Lehigh, Virginia Tech, Pitt, Penn State and Ohio State and we invested time to visit all of them twice and then go back to 3 of them again. For her, Pitt and Penn State quickly dropped out and Purdue and Virginia Tech were clearly at the top. Both had admitted student weekends and that went a long way to making the decision. The important part is finding what fits for the student. Feeling comfortable and thriving at a “lower rated” school will have much better results than putting up with something because of a ranking.

(Being a CMU ME grad and parent of a Purdue ME student, I got a chuckle our of “nothing compares to Carnegie” ;))

Any suggestion that these companies and entities aren’t hiring (and heavily) at Purdue is patently ridiculous.

@RichInPitt yes, I agree, we are going to spend 3 days at Purdue in a few weeks and then go back to visit a few schools again before we make our decision. I believe these schools are all very good choices. What I meant by “nothing compares” is that he had just had his heart set and mind made up on CMU - he’s only 17. I’m trying to do my due diligence and learn as much as I can about all the schools so that he can make the most informed decision about which school will be the best fit for him. I want him to go to whichever school he feels the best about and where we think he will most thrive. I really appreciate everyone’s input. I am totally new at the entire college search process!

My daughter got into CS and Honors at both Purdue and Northeastern. She got no scholarships or grants from Purdue (probably should have estimated that), but got significant merit and grant aid from Northeastern. So when he hears back, you might be pleasantly surprised. She still has five schools she’s waiting to hear from. So I feel you on the anxiety of the whole process. Thankfully my daughter is very happy with Northeastern as an option.I’m particularly excited about the coop program at Northeastern. You might look at parent pages on FB for each of these schools. I have gotten so much helpful information for Northeastern’s FB parent page.

OP - See if your son can sit in on the FYE design class at Purdue.

@momofsenior1 Thank you! I will. Are there any other classes or teachers I should try to meet with while we are there? We fly in on a Sunday and are staying through Tues afternoon at the Union Club. I really appreciate your input!

@alliblues I just asked to join the fb pages - thanks so much for the heads up on this and for the words of encouragement!