Instructor Consent Required?

<p>Hi, I'm trying to take AEM1200 but it says that I need some permission number in order to select the course. What is this permission number? I want to sign up for the class before it gets filled :/. It is also the only class I have encountered so far that requires this coveted "permission number".</p>

<p>if you’re not an AEM freshman, you can’t take AEM 1200 in the fall. it’s a new rule going into effect only this year. this is because they’ve combined old AEM 1200 and AEM 1201 (which was AEM freshmen only) into the new AEM 1200 fall semester.</p>

<p>Can CAS enroll in colleges outside of CAS today before the other colleges??</p>

<p>Ugh…okay thanks a bunch cc102.</p>

<p>@cadium: no, if CAS students want to enroll in classes in other colleges, they have to wait until enrollment for those students also opens up.</p>