<p>Ok the professor is not chosen yet but why for most if not all math classes it says STAFF. My other courses says the professor's name but Math classes starting with MACxxxx says STAFF next to the instructors name. So why MATH? are instuctors for math courses just randomily selected?</p>
<p>I wouldn’t think so, perhaps the math department does not have this decided yet for a small number of sections and is delaying publishing the professors teaching as a result. It seems to be more common in courses where a lot of sections are offered.</p>
<p>But I don’t think it is random because very often professors will teach term after term around certain time frames (morning/afternoon/evening).</p>
<p>I suggest googling the professor names from other terms; you may find their websites and may get an idea of their typical teaching times.</p>
<p>A lot of people dislike math and they don’t want everyone cherry picking the easiest professors. Also a lot of the classes aren’t taught by full professors so they probably don’t want to advertise that more than they have to even though its pretty standard for calculus and below</p>
<p>Math never puts up the names in time for registration. It’s very annoying, but eventually it won’t matter since there is often only one section in the upper levels.</p>
<p>At least I know for Calc 2, the math department waited until they knew who the TAs teaching the sections were to update the registrar. For instance, my calc 2 class does not say in the list of courses that my teacher is Chui, but rather my TA, Nick Sharpe. Since the TAs are usually grad students taking their own classes at UF, I am guessing that the undergrad math department won’t be updated until the graduate math department and the grad math students have their own stuff/schedule together.</p>
<p>This is only a guess though - and only based off my knowledge of calc 2 and how the system worked this semester…</p>