<p>Dartmouth's and Columbia's and other school's ED/EA decisions have come out today! And I know that other schools like Harvards and Princeton are coming out soon.</p>

<p>I've noticed that ALOT of applicants have been deferred.. especially from Columbia. And the stats were quite weird. People who got deferd/rejected had better results than people who got accepted.</p>

<p>For people still awaiting - good luck!</p>

<p>For people with results - WHAT ARE YOUR RESULTS?</p>

<p>or REALLY? The people deferred have stronger stats than those were admitted?
I think Columbia is a weird school, they focus on ECs, especially when they are looking for Chinese students.</p>

<p>yeah, from this year's results, it's clear that stats are not what they look for. In the penn thread, someone with 1600 and perfect gpa, decent ec's, did not get in.
Columbia does not look for perfect scores either.
I think this year, they REALLY TRULY focus on essays.</p>

<p>Is there anyone who got their results? Congratulations to Kimqwerty for getting into jerome fisher (penn)! (atleast, that's what i remember reading).</p>

<p>Rejected at Stanford, applied for Fin Aid</p>

<p>Pavalon got in at Princeton</p>

<p>yeah he had like a million IMO medals</p>

<p>in other words, he deserved it :)</p>

<p>hello, what were your stats?... even though I have learnt that stats contribute to basically nothing.. but they are interesting lol.</p>

<p>where else r u applying for the rd round? good luck with the rd round!</p>

<p>a guy from my country (Vietnam) is accepted at Pton with a SAT score <1300. He is a United World College graduate, though. What do you guys think?</p>

<p>If I am rejected, then the admissions process will be classified as "biased, non-academic-potential-based" system :D</p>

<p>However, the chance Admissions Office will be 'granted' that title is tooooooooo high :( Alas, which will March be for, celebration march or 'velvet revolution' march? :(</p>

<p>Hey hello, same here! I told myself that I got rejected 'coz I applied for finaid to feel better :)</p>

<p>I know, same here, atleast we have an excuse!! </p>

<p>typical conversation:
a: Did you get in at Stanford??
hello: nope, but I applied for Financial Aid
a: ohhh, thats why!! </p>


<p>ACCEPTED TO HARVARD..........omigod im soooooooo happy</p>

<p>where is Pavalon from?</p>

<p>Congrats ritz:) </p>

<p>Well done you deserve it!!!</p>

<p>Accepted! UPENN! Jerome Fisher, Wharton M&T!</p>


<p>For all you SISers, hello.</p>

<p>wow harvard ritz, congratulations!
and wow wharton kimqwerty, congrats!</p>

<p>rejected Columbia</p>

<p>oooo my result from yale is coming out on 16th</p>

<p>congrats ritz :)</p>