Intended Majors! Help Please

<p>In the Columbia application, does anything you put down in the "academic areas of interest" affect your admission?</p>

<p>For example, if one put Film Studies as an area of interest, but am not planning on sending supplementary materials in film, would it hurt your chances?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

If you are considering a major in Architecture,
Dance, Drama and Theatre Arts, Film Studies, Music
or Visual Arts, or if you wish to contribute to the
creative and performing arts community at Columbia
through extracurricular involvement, we welcome
supplementary credentials and materials (such as
compact discs, slides, or professional resumes) that
reflect your artistic ability and commitment. Please
follow the directions below to submit the appropriate
supplement for the appropriate interest. Note that
we are unable to return materials to you.
Musical performance compact discs should include
two works contrasting in period and tempo. The
disc should clearly indicate the type of submission:
jazz, piano, voice, or instrumental (please indicate
the instrument). The disc must list the composer,
name of the work and any movement title or opus
number. Discs should be limited to no more than 20
minutes in length and should not include any
biographical or introductory material.
Artistic slides should be kept to one page and
highlight the best work in your portfolio.
Please note that while professional resumes which
detail your artistic involvement in dance, film, or
theatre are welcome, digital video discs (DVD) and
video cassette tapes (VHS) will not be reviewed.
Finally, please be advised that while we welcome the
submission of such credentials (providing they follow
the directions outlined above) and we often request
that our faculty evaluate submitted supplements, we
can provide no guarantee that such materials will
actually be reviewed or evaluated (as they are not
required for the admission process).

10 characters</p>

<p>Base on the above information. Do you have anything that you can send in ? Why film? Can you put undeclared?</p>

<p>I can't put undeclared, but I've always been interested in film, just don't have a lot to back it up.</p>

<p>I've heard declared majors not to be that important though.</p>

<p>Ok, but what have you done with film so far? Is it just an interest? Have you written any script, film any movies, participate anything in high school that is related to film?</p>

<p>I've taken courses in production and history, founded a film appreciation club, and done some student productions, but nothing really that amazing.</p>

<p>I think it's ok for you to list film studies as your intended major. Some other film schools like USC requires you to submit a supplement for film major.</p>

<p>what if some artistic talent that my son has ( is willing to send a slide portfolio to the school) is something that school does not offer but want to contribute to the community anyway, would sending in such portfolio help?</p>

<p>Yes, that I'm sure that is perfectly acceptable.</p>