Intended Nursing major - Should I take AP Computer Science or Anatomy & Physiology?

I’ll be a senior this year and I am currently signed up for AP Computer Science (along with AP Calc AB and AP Chem). I’m wondering if I should switch APCS to Anatomy & Physiology since A&P is a lot more relevant to nursing, and my original couseload might be a bit too much for me. However, I’m worried that if I switch to A&P, my senior courseload will seem to easy (the rest of my classes are just easy required classes to graduate).

Some additional details: My top choice for nursing is USF (most likely ED, if not then EA), but I’m also applying to SDSU, CSU Fullerton, UCI, and UCLA.

Any input would help, I would really appreciate it!

My daughter took A&P her Sr. year of high school. She knew that she would be a prenursing major in college. She said taking the high school class first was really helpful. She brought her hs notes to college and while others were struggling, she got an A in A&P 1 & 2. So I definitely recommend the A&P course over comp sci.

Another vote for Anatomy and Physiology.

Definitely Anatomy & Physiology! It’s going to be one of the first pre req classes you have to take for nursing, so having a little knowledge beforehand will be very helpful. I took it my senior year in high school and found it very helpful when taking Anatomy & Physiology 1 & 2 freshman year. Plus, even though it’s not an AP class, it’s not easy by any means. There is lots of memorization, so I think college admissions counselors will still be impressed.

AP Computer science would only be helpful if you’re interested in Health Informatics or something else in healthcare that is related to technology.

Take A&P. Also, calculus serves no purpose for nurses. You would be much better off taking AP stats. Stats is a required class in many nursing programs, and is also required for most grad nursing programs.