Intended School/Program Glitch?

<p>I went to accept my admission offer on the my UW-Madison website, but when I went to accept admission it says that my intended school/college is the "School of Education" and the intended program is "Pre-Secondary Education". I'm looking to major in Political Science, so there is something wrong. Either I filled out the application incorrectly, or there is a glitch.
I am going to call the school tomorrow, but maybe someone can help me out before I embarrass myself because it is supposed to say that or something. I am also wondering that if I put the wrong major in my application, would this effect my admission status?</p>

<p>Oh, and isn’t the School of Education a graduate program? I am entering as a freshman</p>

<p>The School of Education has both undergrad and grad school students. Possibly you goofed, but it doesn’t matter. All freshmen get accepted to the university as a whole and can change their major, school/college at any time. The reason for putting down a proposed major is to assign the most appropriate advisor for SOAR. Go ahead and correct things on the form or call/email to find out how to.</p>