Interest/Commitment to Theater/Drama too late?

<p>Hello kind Theater/Drama Major People,</p>

<p>I didn't see this section for some reason when I made my original post (found here: <a href=""&gt;;/a> ) and I was told this may be a better place to ask/solve my problems.</p>

<p>Basically, I was dead set on going to Business School since before I was a freshman (now I am a senior) in high school. The only reason I wanted to get a degree in Business Management or something of that sort was money and I had no interest in anything that the job actually entailed. </p>

<p>Due to recent events, I am shifting my interest to Theater/Drama because I have come to realize that money isn't actually what makes me happy and I have always been really interested in Theater/Drama. The problem is that I have not been in a single production my entire high school career. I will be auditioning for the shows that are still to come this year, but I will still be miles behind others who have been doing this their entire high school career.</p>

<p>Right now my plan is to get into a decent college program that doesn't require an audition or resume and work/involve myself as much as possible with the intent to then transfer to a more prestigious school after 2ish years. </p>

<p>My questions are:</p>

<li>Does this plan make sense at all (are Drama/Theater major transfers rare or would I just apply as a freshman)?</li>
<li>Is there any out of school drama prep/classes that are good (maybe even online)?</li>
<li>Should I even bother trying to audition to better schools' BFA programs without a resume?</li>

<p>Dream situation:</p>

<p>Go to a UC school with BA acting/theater program transfer to... NYU (as I said in the other thread I would literally die of joy)</p>

<p>Nothing is too late for an 18 year old, dear! Even if you take a year to prepare and apply a year later, you have plenty, plenty of time. But first-- you’ve never been in a show-- are you sure you want to spend four years training arduously for something you haven’t really tried? It’s a big step…I’m wondering if it isn’t too early for you to try for a BFA! (Not that there’s enough info here for anyone to guess, so ignore me if you like.) </p>

<p>I think your plan is a good one-- start someplace where you don’t have to audition (at least not right away) and where you have some other options if the newfound dedication to theater shifts into something else. There’s no harm in trying for an auditioned program (though it’s late-ish for this year, to apply and get an audition slot etc.) But I’d test it out as much as possible first-- ordinary college life may be rigorous, but there are lots of chances to try new things. A BFA means hours and hours of classtime, followed by hours and hours of rehearsal…then repeat. It’s not something you want to jump into without a lot of forethought.</p>

<p>^^^^ Agreed! Why the decision now to pursue theatre as a major if you haven’t done any shows the last 3 years (at least?) And why NYU? Just trying to figure out what you are REALLY looking for in a program? There are lots of non-audition schools with excellent theatre programs. I’m not saying you shouldn’t try for an auditioned program, just pointing out that there are lots of options out there, depending on what you want.</p>