Hey, I’m a rising senior who is interested in majoring in Aerospace at GaTech. I’ve read information about the major from the Georgia Tech website but I was hoping to hear some insights from first hand GaTech students about the program Such as what do you like about it, what has been the most challenging thing for you thus far, what are the classes like, and what other majors would you consider similar to this particular major?
I am a parent of an AE student at GT. He is a first year so has not had a ton of classes in AE yet. He did have intro to AE which was his favorite class at Tech so far. Lots of projects and hands on learning including rocket launches and building model planes. Like most kids at Tech, he came in with numerous credit hours so that took him out of most intro classes. He does find the work load intense and challenging but manageable.
Dr. Sankar, co-chair of AE, is fantastic. He did a presentation for the parents at orientation explaining what Aerospace is and what other industries the degree can be used in. As a parent, I was worried about the field being to narrow, but Dr. Sankar set me at ease.
My son is involved in a research project as a second semester first year. It was not hard for him to get this as there are numerous projects looking for help. You just have to seek it out and interview.
Overall, he is very happy with his major and GT.