<p>I'm interested in applying to Flagler, but there seems to be no posts about it. Just wondering if anyone could give me any info. about it?</p>
<p>Flagler College is a great school depending on what your focus is. They have great education and business program. They also have one of the only accredited sports managment programs in the nation. I have friends that landed great jobs in sports straight out of undergrad. What are you planning on majoring in?</p>
<p>My future major is going to be theatre with a minor in either communications or political science...Depending on where I go and what path I decide to take. I've heard that theater is decently popular at Flagler, or am I wrong?</p>
<p>I was a business major but I know that they have a good theater program. The school theater productions are popular events among the students. Also, Flagler has very very good political science major/minor, but it is probably one of the most difficult programs that the school offers. The upside is that some of the best professors teach poly sci. Overall, Flagler is a great school academically. </p>
<p>Pros: Great teachers, small classes, tight-knit student body, St. Augustine is a great location, good reputation, </p>
<p>Cons: Strict campus policies - no inter-dorm visitation (sucks), teachers need to integrate more technology, dorm parking problems</p>
<p>Wow, I love the area Flagler College is in.. so beautiful..</p>
<p>mrjc, Do you know why the graduation rate is kind of low? The 4 year is 43% and 5 year is 53%.</p>
<p>I assume that those graduation rates are based on the entering freshman class. Flagler has a high drop out of freshman, and a much lower drop out of sophomores through seniors. I know of two reasons that freshman leave the school. First and foremost, is the strict administration. Flagler college does not allow interdorm visitation, ever!! Every single freshman hates this because all freshman are required to live on campus. Many freshman drop out because this. Oddly enough, many of the freshman that drop out reapply in later years (I assume because the students who stuck it out really enjoy the experience) Unfortunately for the drop-outs, the school accepts very very few re-applicants. Second, there is required attendence to all classes. Academically it is very challenging. Overall, all of my friends loved their experience at Flagler and I don't think any of us would have done it differently.</p>
<p>I double majored in business and accounting and minored in economics. I would highly recomend the accounting program to anyone interested. I have been told by my employer that educationally I am far better prepared than any of the other employees. Most of whom graduated from UNC, Duke, and NC state (I live in NC). The job offers I have received have been excellent and I was recently admitted to Babson College's one year MBA. Considering that I am only 24 I have found my Flagler degree to be invaluable.</p>
<p>mrjc, Thank you. It sounds like you received a wonderful education. They are not accredited by the AACSB. Is that right? It did not stop you from getting into Babson! Congratulations!</p>
<p>I graduated from Flagler in 2001 and would repeat it without a second thought. If you are looking for a big time college experience (i.e. a state university with homecoming and football games etc..) Flagler is not for you. However if you want to be a part of something truly unique and special then this is the place. My wife is also a Flagler grad and we both feel very luck to have attended Flagler. As another poster stated, a low grad rate is probably because those students wanted the football game, Greek life scene, like at big universities. Those who stay and complete their education realize in the end how lucky there were. I could go on and on... I don't think you appreciate it until you are a grad. I have since gone on and completed my Master's degree at another institution but if Flagler offered Master's degrees I would have obtained it there. Of course Flagler has parties (off campus) and the residence rules are strict but in the end you learn to appreciate them even though we all cursed them while we were there.</p>
<p>was going to apply ther but totally got turned off when i called them this summer and they would not allow me to visit cause I had not called 2 weeks ahead of time. i told them i live in japan and did not knwo exact dates of my usa trip, but they were very cold to me. then i found out that it is a very conservative school --altho it is a beautiful campus and very inexpensive to go there, but i have a cousin who works with someone who goes there and she said it was ultra conservative--and that is not me --that is all i know about it.</p>
<p>can anybody tell me about the rooms and how many girls share a bathroom ?
are they all set up different ? How loud do the dorms get and is there really no drinking on dorms? Anybody know what the English profs are like ? The guide books all say that the kids are conservative, and religious, is this for real ?</p>
<p>princeton review (book) and online has good info from the student's point of view and of course college stats. There's also the unofficial biased guide to the 331 most interesting colleges, the insider's guide to colleges and probably others, but those give you kinda more than just stats. Also check out campusdirt.com to know how much reality there is to what the official college books say</p>
<p>Yeah, I had a similar experience to ndd's. I live in freaking New York and my family was going to Florida on a vacation during Feb. Break so we called to see if they could let me visit. They gave us soooooo much trouble, and in the end we ended up with only a short tour of the college where they wouldn't even let us into the building with the classrooms! My family was furious because we knew it was the only shot we'd get to visit my top college. I was really disappointed, and although I'm still going to apply there, I don't feel like the administration was very helpful at all.</p>
<p>My daughter is interested in the education department. Anyone have any info?</p>
<p>My daughter received some nice info from Flagler. It looks like education is a big department. Anyone have any info? Thought I would try again.</p>
<p>I’m looking forward to a major in either Business or Economics. (Accounting would also be fine!) I don’t know where a Flagler Degree will take me. Is it good for getting jobs in other countries, like UK, Canada, or Midle East for that matter?</p>