Interesting 2 or 3 unit class?

<p>Does anyone recommend any interesting 2 or 3 unit classes that aren't too much work, but are on topics that make you want to go to class? I know you may not have the same interests as me but list what classes you enjoyed.</p>

<p>nusctx 10 is 3 units and is known as one of the easier classes on campus. The things we learned about applied really well to our lives, and i really enjoyed it.</p>

<p>When did you take the class. I believe it was to be me much tougher due to the new professor.</p>

<p>ESPM 42 is a class on insects. Someone from my building took it and told me that it was interesting. It’s 2 units, not particularly difficult looking at the pickaprof grading, and also fulfills a biological science breadth for L&S if you need to get that done. I enrolled in it last night; it still had spots open then.</p>