Interesting classes, etc.


<p>I'm going to be going to UIUC for a year (freshman), technically as an ECE major. Since I'm only staying for a year, I've decided to take whatever classes I feel will be fun or interesting. Will the advisors mind me taking random classes? </p>

<p>I was thinking along the lines of: Japanese, CalcII, Computer Architecture, Medeival History, and Psychology. I'm not sure if I really want to take Japanese (any personal comments?) yet. I was wondering what other courses people have found interesting that I could possibly take instead of Medeival History/Psychology/Jap?. Since I don't have registration until the 13th of July, I'm a little worried about getting into all the classes, especially ones that might be a bit more popular.</p>


<p>Are you sure you are allowed to take so many non-engg courses in the first year? Engg has a lot of required courses (more than almost any other major) so generally most freshman schedules are not very flexible.</p>

<p>Also, I am curious, why are you only staying a year?</p>

<p>When I emailed them (prior to May), they said liberal arts & sciences was full, so for now I'm still in Engg, but I wouldn't mind transferring to the LAS college (and saving 3K).</p>

<p>I was waitlisted at Olin College and they give the option of becoming a part of their next class, so I'm part of Olin's class of 2011. I really liked the environment there, plus the full-tuition scholarship, made me really want to go there. And since I ended up getting enough scholarships to cover the cost of UIUC, I decided to spend the year at UIUC.</p>

<p>If you are in ECE, you will need to have your schedule approved by your advisor who is from ECE and that advisor will insist on your taking courses generally required of freshman in engineering. Go here to see the courses they expect you to take first year: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Though you will be able to have an elective to start meeting humanities/social science requirements and can vary somewhat from the suggested schedule, you should assume that your advisor is not going to approve what you suggest.</p>

<p>That's not fun. I checked on some UIUC website, and it said if you get a 32 or higher for English (ACT) you don't have to take the rhetoric class, except I sent them the ACT where I got a 30 on English, should I just bring my copy of my ACT to registration? I wouldn't mind taking Chem, but Olin specifically doesn't want me taking engineering classes (they don't mind math/science that much, but prefer more humanities-type courses), I guess for now I can just put together a couple different schedules and see what happens during registratioin.</p>


<p>worth a shot. even though I don't think they'll accept it. Only one or the other I'm guessing.</p>

<p>I've never heard that you can skip rhetoric with a 32+ English ACT. Can anyone confirm this?</p>

<p>oh yea. If you have a ACT English of 31 or higher you are exempt and given credit for Rhetoric I. It's clearly stated in the placement test web site and the admissions packet we got.</p>

<p>Here's a link to a lot of different subjects, it confirms that a 31 or higher ACT fulfills the composition requirement: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>