Interesting/Easy 1 or 2 Credit Classes?

<p>Anyone have any suggestions for easy 1 or 2 credit classes? Any subject aside from natural science (already met my credit requirement for that).</p>


<p>Engineering 110- 2 credits. No tests, no final exam, just really easy homework.</p>

<p>p.s. don’t worry if you’re in LS&A, you can still take this class.</p>

<p>Hmm, is that actually easy? What teacher would you recommend? And yeah, I’m in LSA right now, I’m just scared off by the engineering =P</p>

<p>Ahh, I just checked, can’t take it, says:</p>

<p>NOTE: Engineering 110 will only be offered during the Fall 2010 term. It will not be offered during the Winter 2011 term.</p>

<p>Yeah that’s a class that is supposed to help freshman find out about the different types of engineering. I would take it. I would look for an astro class.</p>

<p>Intergroup Dialogues! They’re great classes where you discuss social identity, facilitated by students. I think the workload isn’t bad at all, and I hear they’re extremely interesting and people take a lot from them. I wanted to take one next semester, but haven’t gotten the chance yet. I believe they’re 2 credits.</p>