<p>I had my Duke interview a few days ago, and I thought that I would let you in on a little information that I picked up. About halfway into my interview, when I was talking about community service, my interviewer told me that Duke asks all the alums to rank their interviewees on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best.</p>
<p>I've never heard of schools doing this before Duke</p>
<p>for my duke interview she basically asked me what i liked to do and i said reading (then we had a discussion on jodi picoult and jane austen) and then violin and she talked to me about like the orchestra at duke etc. then we went into like math and how it can sometimes be challenging. basically the only two actual questions the interviewer asked me were “what do you like to do?” and “do you have any questions for me?” and my whole interview basically stemmed from those two questions</p>
<p>Would I be out of line and sound like a fanatic if I said I enjoyed basketball and wanted to find some way to be involved with the basketball team?</p>
<p>lol i don’t think so. one of the points my interviewer and i talked about was the really strong school spirit that duke had. your love of basketball and i’m assuming the blue devils would definitely convey that sense of school spirit. just try to express your excitement in a way that builds on the idea that you like duke and how you really want to go there etc</p>
<p>My interviewer didn’t ask anything hard, just the usual “why Duke” question. At the very beginning he said that his job was to be my cheerleader in the admissions process, and that he just wanted to get to know me as well as possible.</p>