Interesting Observation

<p>I understand that ACT is supposed to send only the test score you asked for them to send. Now for my safety school I applied to UF and on their application I stated that I took the June ACT 2008 and will take the December ACT 2008.
I, of course, sent the June ACT and am waiting for the December to come out in the next few days hopefully.
On their "Check Your Status" page it says they recieved my June, September, October ACTs when I only sent them my June ACT. I double checked on the ACT website and made sure that I didn't send the September and October ACT to UF and I didn't. I actually didn't send them anywhere. </p>

<p>If I didn't state on my application that I would be taking these ACTs and yet they recieved the scores....this sounds a little strange.</p>

<p>Well, ACT sends scores to your high school and your high school puts those scores on your transcript and when the college receives your transcript, they receive those scores.</p>

<p>The ACT does only send the scores you indicate; however, colleges may request at any time to see your full test-taking record.</p>

<p>ive never sent my score repots to my high school.
okay that makes sense that they see them all.</p>

<p>^^Can you find information that states this, bampan?</p>

<p>hm? sorry. info from word of counselor, and I assume she meant request information from the school…so that doesn’t solve you issue crunkk</p>

<p>crunkk, It says that you live in FLA. I think that has something to do with it. I read about something regarding FLA related to this, but I really don’t recall the information. My guess is that the colleges are getting all of the scores through your high school.</p>

<p>that is really weird though because even my high school does not have reports of my scores. I have not sent them any and none of them are on my transcript.</p>

<p>crunkk, I am curious about this. I know that you said that you did not send scores to your high school. I just wonder if they somehow received them anyway and then put them on your transcript. I would go to your GC and ask about this. You can also call the ACT. It doesn’t seem fair that colleges received scores that you did not send. If you find out how this happened please post how it happened. Thanks.</p>

<p>You don’t send scores to the HS. When you register did you put in that 6 digit code for your high school? If you did, than the scores are atomically sent to your HS, thus it appears on the transcript.</p>

<p>i did, but I went back and on my registration changed it so that it doens’t send it to my high school. I know my high school hasn’t received any because my guidance counselor called me in a couple weeks ago to ask if i have taken the SAT or ACT yet lol</p>

<p>Oh, wow, then I don’t get it! I would love to find out just how the schools got all of your scores!</p>

<p>I am calling both UF and ACT on monday! although, i really don’t care too much because UF is just back up, but it does scare me if all the schools will be getting my scores. !</p>

<p>cunkk, let us know what they say. Thanks.</p>

<p>crunkk, did you get to the bottom of what happened?</p>

<p>This is from the ACT’s website:</p>

<p>If you have taken the ACT or ACT Plus Writing more than once, we maintain a separate record for each test date. If you ask us to send a report to a college, we will release only the record from the test date you request. This protects you and ensures that you maintain control of your records.</p>

<p>If you wish, you may ask us to report more than one test date record to a college. However, you may not select test scores from different test dates to construct a new record; you must designate an entire test date record as it stands. ACT does not create new records by averaging scores from different test dates."</p>


<p>“The ACT does only send the scores you indicate; however, colleges may request at any time to see your full test-taking record.”</p>

<p>is this true?</p>