Interesting question for current students..

<p>For current students at UM: IF you had to name 3 things you do not like about UM, what would they be? </p>

<p>Perhaps you love it so much that you really don't have three things :). But for this question, explain three things about UM that annoy you the most.</p>

<p>As a prospective student, I'm interested to hear some answers. Any feedback is appreciated.</p>

<p>I would like to preface this by saying I love it here, but here are three things I don’t like:</p>

<li><p>The rich kid mentality. I’m astounded sometimes by how much people really pay no attention to spending money. I’m frugal by nature so it ****es me off when people just buy their books from the bookstore without even looking at buying online. In some cases, you can save $100 just by buying it on Amazon. Also, a lot of people are really into appearances. The gym is always packed. But my friends aren’t really like that so I guess it just depends on who you fall in with.</p></li>
<li><p>Not having a car. The metro costs $2 each way and the weekend schedule sucks (trains are 30 minutes apart and are NEVER on time). We end up having to take taxis when we want to go to the beach (I recommend getting a van taxi and split it 7 ways). A lot of the best things to do in Miami are only conveniently accessible by car, so that’s a downside.</p></li>
<li><p>The dining halls aren’t open during break. Since I’m from out-of-state (we’re talking about 1200 miles here), I find it pointless to pay for a plane ticket for a 3-day visit for Thanksgiving. And of course, we have no kitchen, so I pretty much end up having to stockpile food and go out to eat a lot.</p></li>

<p>Thanks for the reply again! lol.</p>

<p>Ya I have a job and plan on getting one sometime during freshman year because I don’t want to have to borrow money from my parents (they are already paying my tuition and plane ticket costs!).</p>


Does this include the food court? What about Starbucks and Rathskeller?</p>


It’s probably more prevalent at private/expensive schools, but this exists pretty much everywhere. Everyone I know that goes to even the local community college part-time or the small 4-year state school part-time still just buys their books outright from the bookstore.</p>

<p>@SeekingUni: Food court is always closed on the weekends. Over spring break some of the places inside had limited hours Mon-Fri. Subway (which is in the law school) is usually open.</p>

<p>The Rat is always closed on break. Students staff it, so if they’re not here, it can’t run.</p>

<p>UM is a great school overall, but I can’t stand the student population, and I want to be closer to home, so I’m transferring as a sophomore (going to be junior)</p>

<p>Kind of surprised by your comment about not being able to stand the student population Transfer615. Using CC as a very unscientific barometer, I have to believe you are in the minority with that feeling. Good luck to you in your new location.</p>

<p>My 3 main problems with UM:</p>

<li><p>How strict they are with IB credits transferring over. I was in IB and they only accept HL credits with a 6 or 7 in them. The maximum amount of HL classes an IB senior can take is around 3/4, while AP credits can be earned starting your freshmen year in high school.</p></li>
<li><p>The amount of general education requirements due to no credit transferring over. Kind of number one, but every semester from now until my junior year I have to take 1 or 2 GenEd class which is extremely frustrating.</p></li>
<li><p>While the direct area around UM is very nice and affluent, there isn’t a lot to walk to besides Denny’s/CVS/etc. All of those you still have to cross US1 (which is a huge pain/dangerous at night). I wish there were places to walk to near campus that didn’t require a long walk. Sunset is about 15-20 minutes walking away, one-way of course.</p></li>
<li><p>(Just because I feel like 1 and 2 are somewhat connected) How early things close at night. The Dining Hall closes at 9 on the weekdays, and at 8 on Sundays. Starbucks is usually open to around 10, but other then that, the only thing that remains open is the library.</p></li>

<p>I hope this helps! I love UM, but criticism can definitely give a university something to work on to make them even better</p>

<p>Magics, Is the Rat open later than 9 or 10 pm?</p>

<p>Its hours have changed this semester, but I don’t believe it’s open on the weekends and only open to around 10pm on the weekdays. Not 100% sure though. I rarely go there, it’s somewhat expensive and most people go for the beer</p>