<p>Now, I am currently in the minority. I live on Long Island, and despite the fact that everyone in my area has received their letters, I've received nothing. I've rationalized that fact to be the result of 3 different possibilities. </p>
<p>1) Because my mail comes at 1030 am, and those who we're accepted to NYU in my area got their mail in the afternoon. And thus I'll undoubtedly get my letter on monday </p>
<p>2) My letter is coming later because I got rejected (no one in my area has been rejected so far)</p>
<p>3) It has to do with my major. I applied to Recorded Music within Tisch. Now if you click on the link to the admissions faq to the dept. ( ReMu</a> Admissions FAQ: Tisch School of the Arts at NYU ). You will notice that unlike the other departments within Tisch, this has a specific notification date "after December 15th". Now I've seen plenty of dates thrown around by NYU officials-- "mid december", "december 15th", "the week of Dec 8th"--My question is if I should really take that date seriously. (the dec 15th on their faq). </p>
<p>So I ask you. Since I know people who've gotten into film as well as photo in tisch from around here, Which option do you think my case falls into?</p>
<p>I also applied to that major and I am in the same situation, but I live in Rhode Island. You’re much closer but still, reading that people from Florida and the west coast have received acceptances is unsettling. I did not notice the “after December 15th” part and although it is later, it is comforting to think that could possibly be the reason. I only know two other people who applied ED, and it was to CAS, and they have not heard. Does Rhode Island suck at mail, am I rejected[along with my CAS applied friends], or do we hear after Dec 15? It is comforting to know there is someone else with this major in this situation, but at the same time we are competition. Hopefully we both get in. </p>
<p>Very nice, cause that means we’re not competition. When I talked to my dept. tour guide. She says they basically break the 4 entrepreneurs evenly. Since I’m the “executive” type, we’re not really competing. Either way, glad to find someone applying here ED with a pulse. Have you found anyone else applying to Clive ED ( I sure haven’t)</p>
<p>I live about an hour from the city on long island, and recieved nothing in the mail from NYU yet either. I know a few kids from my school that got rejected and accepted. I decided not to freak out until Tuesday, but that is weird that some people in the same area recieve their letters at different times.</p>