Intermediate Accounting preparation.

<p>So I'm going to be taking intermediate accounting I this fall and i'm kinda nervous. I got a B+ in financial (didn't take it seriously) and an A in Managerial. My managerial professor kept telling me how intermediate is known as a weed out course and is going to be super difficult. I'm a well driven and motivated student and would just like to know some tips/advice and ways to prepare for it.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>You just need to keep on top of the work, do all the homework, see the professor if you have questions on a topic, study for exams etc. There are no shortcuts but do the work and you should be fine. If you have any topics in financial accounting you feel you didn’t fully grasp or feel rusty on you might want to review them over the summer, but that’s about it.</p>