Internal Transfer Question

<p>So my applications to Plan II and LAH (Honors) didn't exactly work out, and as I was in the top 8% I got an automatic admission anyways. So now I'm in the College of Undergraduate Studies.</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me if it's possible to switch into the College of Liberal Arts as an English major during summer orientation? I've look all over the place for the COLA internal transfer policy but couldn't find anything that specifically addressed my question. </p>


<p>From my experience, it seems that most Summer transfers are accomplished through an informal process that requires a bit of good timing and luck. I’d recommend emailing a Liberal Arts adviser with your question as they’ll often tell you how others succeeded in the past. I’d go ahead and email them now, but since registration chaos will be continuing for the next 3 weeks, there’s a good chance your email will get lost in the mess. If so, just politely email them or another adviser again a week later.</p>