Internal Transfer to Mccombs

I didn’t get into Cockrell for engineering, but I’m not too upset because I’ve realized that’s not the best for me. I now want to major in Accounting in Mccombs, but since that is not listed on the ‘Choose your major’ list I’ll have to internally transfer. My question is whether it would be better to enroll in UGS and try to transfer, or choose a different major and try. I’ll have the micro and macro prerequisites done, so I will only have to take the two calculus classes.

Your best bet, in my ho, will be Economics, since you have micro and macro already, ace-ing the Advanced micro/ macro and Calc 1/2 will give you a good shot.

I don’t think the major is important for an internal transfer, in fact you can be undeclared. What you need to do though is take at least 24 credits, including 2 semesters of Calc, and 2 semesters of Eco (Micro and Macro). In addition you should have ahd 2 years of a foreign language in high school. If not you’ll need to take 2 semesters of a language too. So 24 credtis or more, including (2) Calc, (2) Economics, and show language credits. You’ll also probably take the first English and UGS (since all freshman need this).

Finally, and most importantly, you will need to get excellent grades. It is very competitive. They do cut a little slack for internal transfers over external, but the avg GPA for internal is still a 3.8 (for 2014), and the minimum to apply is a 3.0. The range is 3.6ish to 4.0. All they do is make sure you have the requirements (as I listed above), and then go down the list of highest GPA/s until they are full, In 2014 they took only 261 internal transfers and 91 externals (out of like 1,000 combined who met the minimum requirements).

The Economics as a fallback is a good idea, because a lot of these prerequisites are the same. So you won’t be wasting these classes if you don’t get in.

Where did you get the data for “In 2014 they took only 261 internal transfers and 91 externals (out of like 1,000 combined who met the minimum requirements”? Can you give me a link
Also do you have some knowledge of PACE or internal vs external chances. I don’t know if I should accept PACE and try to transfer into ChemE or go to A&M to external transfer.

Also does anyone know what " I want to be considered as a transfer applicant" mean on the appeals page for UT AUstin? I’m about to appeal but I saw this option.

@‌ punctiliouseye

Here is the link to the data for internal transfers on the McCombs website (click on the Past Statistics tab):

Here is the link to the data for external transfers on the McCombs website: