International Affairs vs. Political Science

Hello, I’m starting to look into George Washington University and I want to do something international when I graduate, potentially something with the Department of State, the embassies, diplomacy (with a foreign language). The two languages I am looking at are French and/or Russian. However I’m really interested in the PS field as well! Any suggestions on which would be more helpful?


Maybe an Elliott student/grad will chime in, but it’s my assumption that anything internationally-focused with resepct to embassies and/or diplomacy woudl be better suited with a degree in IA. PoliSci would be a great way to learn about other governments and how they operate (mechanics of the governement vs. the personalities), so there’s still a place for that study in State but probably not as widespread.

With my limited understanding on the subject, I’d recommend applying to the Elliott School and study IA with the intent on scoring an internship (or two) at State or similar orgs.

I would advise looking closely at the course requirements for a major in Elliott, and then the course requirements for the PoliSci major in the Columbian College, along with both colleges’ “core/distribution” graduation requirements (Elliott is a little less, I think). There is quite a bit of choice and flexibility there depending on what most interests you.

I agree that if you want to pursue an international-focused career then a degree coming from an “international” labeled program would be better. My guess is you could construct a course schedule that matches your interests either way, however.

Keep in mind also that one of the advantages of GW is the access to coops and internships in downtown DC, with which you can construct a resume independent of your major. A PoliSci major with many internships in international-related positions is better than an IA degree with no experience. Of course, it may be easier to GET those internships if your resume says “Elliott student” than not.

@BooBooBear great points!

@nb41__ here are links to what @BooBooBear mentioned:

Under the PoliSci degree, you’ll see there’s a “Group C” titled, “international politics, law, and organizations.” That seems like an applicable focus for you.

I would go to Elliot and do a minor in political science hands down.

I believe the biggest difference between IA and political science really is IA’s economics and language requirements that political science students do not have. On the other hand, I believe political science students have more general education requirements i.e. art credit (since they are in the College of Arts & Sciences) that IA (Elliott School) students do not have.