<p>I am highly interested in these majors, but I have a couple questions about them. First, how strong are these majors at UCLA? I heard that UCLA is very strong in them, but I just want to hear an insider's perspective. Also, what kind of jobs can I get with an UNDERGRADUATE IDS or GS major? I don't think I will be able to afford graduate school (maybe 5-10 years after I get my bachelors degree I might) so I was just wondering what kind of job opportunities open up after recieving a bachelor's degree in these fields.</p>
<p>I’m a freshman here at UCLA and when I applied, I was set on majoring in IDS. I changed to Global Studies because I wanted to focus on both the developed and developing world and globalization. </p>
<p>I’m not super knowledgeable about the programs but my intentions are (if I’m admitted into the Global Studies major) to major in Global Studies and minor (maybe) in Public Affairs.</p>
<p>Personally, I want to go to law school afterwards.</p>
<p>I’m not a Global Studies major, but I seriously considered it at one point in time. </p>
<p>I’m not sure what you mean when you say it is a strong major - GS is “interdisciplinary”, so you won’t be taking very many “Global Studies” courses, but rather those from departments spanning from Anthropology to Poli Sci to Economics, etc. I think it would be very interesting, because looking through the pre reqs and major requirements, I’ve definitely heard great things about some of those classes listed! </p>
<p>As for jobs, let’s just say that I have a friend who was a Global Studies major and successfully recruited for big 4 accounting as well as consulting gigs. There’s another who had law school plans. So I guess there’s a lot you can do; you just have to have an idea of what you want to do post-graduation and be able to market your skills…</p>
<p>So can I get jobs at places like the UN, UNICEF, WHO, etc.? </p>
<p>I envision myself as a diplomat or ambassador, or a high ranking member of an international organization, preferably one which aims to help developing nations.</p>
<p>The Undergraduate Council of the Academic Senate has suspended admissions to the IDS major.</p>
<p>Students currently declared as IDS majors, as well as transfer students admitted to IDS for Fall 2009, can disregard this notice, as they will not be affected by the admissions suspension and will have the full complement of courses required for the major and will be able to graduate with an IDS major. </p>
<p>Students who are not currently declared IDS majors but who complete all non-language preparation courses with a minimum prep GPA of 2.00, and foreign language through at least Level 3 by the end of Fall quarter 2009 will be permitted to declare the IDS major. Students unable to complete these preps by the end of that term will not be eligible to declare the IDS major until suspension of admissions is lifted (unknown at this time).</p>
<p>Note that as of Fall 2009, Intl Dv 100A, Intl Dv M100B, and Intl Dv 150 will be restricted to students who are declared IDS majors. Intl Dv 191 will be limited to declared majors who have also completed Intl Dv 100A, Intl Dv M100B, and Intl Dv 150.</p>
<p>If you have any questions or concerns about this notice, please contact the IDS Advising Office.</p>
<p>Your major isn’t going to be the determining factor re: getting into the peace corps.
Look up the requirements to become a Foreign Service Officer. Sometimes the Career Center has presentations regarding the US Dept of State. Stop by. . . and major is almost irrelevant. I’m interested in all of those things too. Graduated with BA in History this past year.</p>