"international edition" of a textbook

<p>I can get an "international edition" of my math textbook for only $70. It says it's the exact same book except the ISBN number, cover are different and it's paperback rather than hardback.</p>

<p>Anyone know if this would be acceptable? My teacher's TA said that it should be fine if it's what it says it is. I would be saving $100. I'd just like to know if anyone here has any experience with these.</p>

<p>Yes, of course. A lot of people do this to avoid the ridiculous price of text books.</p>

<p>You should be aware of a few things:</p>

<p>1) There are varying grades of quality - I have purchased Pearson International Editions printed in Singapore with high quality paper and beautiful color, and I have also purchased Indian Editions printed on the cheapest paper with unreadable graphics. </p>

<p>2) The page numbering <em>may</em> be different. Some books will also have large warning texts on their covers (eg. “Not for sale in USA/Canada”). Some of the Chinese printed ones have covers in Chinese (but text in English).</p>

<p>3) Watch our where you buy from - you will often get these books from overseas, it may take a long time if they are being shipped from India or China. Also always check the shipping price carefully!</p>

<p>I’ve used Abebooks successfully - note that they are not a vendor, they simply allow book sellers to list their books.</p>

<p>Yes, they’re the same.
I buy international edition textbooks all the same and save at least $500 each semester.
But some of the math/science books may use metrics so be careful if your prof assigns textbook problems as hw.</p>

<p>I’ve used several International editions. They are exactly the same.</p>

<p>[Discounted</a> Textbook Store - TextSociety.com](<a href=“http://www.textsociety.com/default.asp?pid=3497&p=T&alpha=C]Discounted”>http://www.textsociety.com/default.asp?pid=3497&p=T&alpha=C)</p>

<p>delivery time: 3-5 days…</p>

<p>anyone heard of this site?</p>



<p>I’ve never heard of it, but I have purchased International versions before. Always worked fine for me.</p>

<p>As an added bonus, you can usually go through websites like ebates.com or other ones which will give you cash back for shopping through their sites. I did this this semester and I got a whopping $10 check. But hey, that’s $10 more than I would have had lol.</p>

<p>I just buy the cheapest copy. A lot of the time it ends up being International, and it doesn’t make a difference.</p>

<p>If you care a lot about reselling, you probably won’t be able to get as much back. That’s probably not a huge problem though if you’re saving a ton in the first place</p>



<p>As in metric units? All science classes use those, and math problems typically don’t have units…</p>

<p>I have never had a problem with international textbooks. They’ve always been identical content-wise for all of my classes.</p>

<p>That being said, apparently a thermo text that a bunch of my friends needed this semester had different numbering for the problems. They just have to compare it to a non-international book.</p>

<p>So, be warned of things like that.</p>

<p>Buying international for my physics textbook gave me an extra 10 chapters or so of material but it was still cheaper. The weird thing was though, same editions but there are some problems which are different for some reason very few are different but most are the same but this is just weird phenomenon because international editions are supposed to be the exact same as regular US edition</p>

<p>Our kids international editions arrive in two days and we have waited two weeks for books coming from two states away.</p>

<p>^Lol. I ordered two textbooks at the same time. One came from international and one came from two counties over in Michigan. I tracked the Michigan book and it went to Kentucky before coming BACK to Michigan to find me. … what the…? lol.</p>

<p>Beware of scammers on ebay. I tried to buy 2 international version books from this seller in India (btw they’re all from india). I paid him via paypal, and days later, he deleted his account.</p>

<p>Also, I bought a P-chem textbook in the international version. It was missing 2 chapters, but everything else was the same.</p>

<p>Lastly, some of the numbers don’t match. For example, I was working on homework with friends. The book had answers in the back, and the numbers were different in mine. Like their book shows 1.7 kW, whereas mine shows 1.6 kW…</p>



<p>Did he have a track record on ebay? Always buy from people with a long history. And eBay has a money back guarantee IIRC.</p>

<p>good point. he didn’t have any seller’s feedback. That was incredibly stupid of me</p>

<p>The majority of the textbooks we purchase are international editions. We have saved alot of money. For the poster who was scammed…you must always check feedback on the seller. One other thing to note bio books are not recommended because the picures are either black and white or just poor in general. Most of the books are exactly the same and if the chapters are in a different order it really does not matter.</p>