International emails...when?

<p>Could any international students that post here please let us know when you get your seems that would indicate the first batch of letters have been sent.</p>

<p>I don’t know how much longer I can wait! Please, if anyone’s been accepted (internationally), I beg you…</p>

<p>Hey im an international student and trust me ive never been so anxious my gmail officially hates me because it has to refresh every two seconds…but still nothing…ill let you guys know…</p>

<p>ha ha… same! my poor, exhausted gmail account. i swear i spent all day today asking to go to the washroom so i could check it in the library
i promise i’ll post as soon as i hear!</p>

<p>nope, none yet. i have my laptop in front of me & having a movie marathon to pass the time by, haha. haven’t gone out of the house all day!</p>

<p>I suppose we can´t expect them any sooner than 9 a.m. Eastern time, so you can separate yourself from your computer for the next few hours.</p>

<p>It’s 5 am there now but it’s like a security blanket, haha. Stupid, I know.</p>

<p>yeah, I know…I´m on this forum, aren´t I?</p>

<p>this is not good… I am so beyond tired. my poor pointer finger has had enough of the refresh button.</p>

<p>i woke up, rushed to my computer, and there was (1) in the inbox… and it had ‘university’ in the title-
but it was Hawaii Pacific University (?!?)</p>

<p>Just curious, where are you guys from and what did you apply for?
I’m Canadian and applied for CAS, double major journalism/political science</p>

<p>r u guys still waiting?? i see that a few of u are still online…lol…im from taiwan, applied ED for STERN!!wish me luck…when is the decision coming out? 15th (american time)? or sometime tmr?</p>

<p>on the official nyu forums they said that most int. emails would go out with the letters, this wednesday and thursday. which means we should receive an email today sometime…</p>

<p>Winston.C: I just came back from Taiwan last week- it was awesome and really clean! man, you guys have a lot of TOEFL/English coaching centers there.</p>

<p>It should be out today and office opens at 9 am like CAC said so that would be 10 pm your time.</p>

<p>I’m from Malaysia, applied for CAS, undecided. most likely econ with pre-med courses, but I put down undecided on my application.</p>

<p>so are you guys getting your emails today for sure? </p>

<p>good luck to all the internationals! One of my best friends applied NYU ED and I’m praying with all my heart that she gets the good e-mail. :)</p>

<p>wow…10pm…i have exactly 55 mins left…oMG!!
trudy_warholgirl…where are you from?
and xfiona, wat are u doing in taiwan days before the decision is coming out??lol…just curious??</p>

<p>i’m from toronto,canada. gah! i’m trying to decide whether i should be 20 mins late for school or just check when i’m there…
decisions, decisions…</p>

<p>Winston, they are not necessarily going to go out at 9 a.m. Eastern…that´s probably when the office opens…it could be any time after that, unfortunately :/</p>

<p>lol…wow…tough decision…wat time is it there? its 21:19 here…</p>

<p>i guess i’ll have to stay up late tonight…CAC…</p>

<p>I was on vacation in Taiwan :slight_smile:
It did help make the days pass faster so I wasn’t in constant agony waiting for this day.</p>

<p>Whatever your time is, minus 13 hours and that’s the time in NY.</p>

<p>that’ll be 8.30 am there…my classes start at that time…like CAC said, the office opens at 9am, but do the decisions get out that early?i doubt it. wait…so u live in NY? or malaysia?</p>