<p>So, the summer of my sophomore year in high school I went to ecuador for about 5 weeks and just last summer I went to Argentina for 2 months with rotary exchange. I also want to spend a year in Taiwan to learn Chinese after high school with rotary... I was wondering if any of this counts or I will simply be considered some rich kid who likes to go on vacation. The thing is, I worked and paid for much of my ecuador trip and virtually all of the Argentina trip (and plan to work more to pay for the Taiwan one), not to mention rotary is volunteer based so it costs virtually nothing, I almost saved money in Argentina since for the two months I had to pay 300 dollars + tickets and pocket money, and the year long exchange costs about 2500 + tickets and pocket money. I learned a ton of spanish and am virtually fluent from that now and hope to be fluent in Chinese going into college. Can the spanish exchanges that I already did have any positive impact? And can the taiwan exchange that I wouldn't do until after I submit my application have an impact (by somehow mentioning it that I would like to do that and hope to be very proficient in chinese by the end... also where would I mention a thing like that?)? Also, would learning chinese on my own in preparation have any value (mentioning that could be a good segue into talking about the year long trip).</p>
<p>Thanks a lot</p>