International RD Applicants

<p>I applied from Pakistan. Asking for lots of aid. Any other inernationals?</p>

<p>I’m from Vietnam and also ask for lots of aid. I applied EA and was deferred to RD. I just emailed Eric Maloof (Director of International Admissions) and he said he personally thought my application was a strong one; the deferral was due to my big financial need. My family contribution was $12,000. If what someone said in another thread about the biggest aid package being half the full cost, then I’m screwed :(</p>

<p>Anyone knows what the highest possible amount Trinity can give internationals is? Anything I should do now?</p>

<p>Anyway, congrats to those who got accepted, and good luck to all Trinity international RD applicants!</p>

<p>Try to stay positive. The largest MERIT award is about half COA, but FA could be in addition to that.</p>


<p>Batdoi i am asking for even more than you. Before applying, i specifically asked about this. If they like you, your need will be met. Good Luck.</p>

Yeah! My contribution is only 1/3rd of yours. I am really worried though. Looks like we both have applied to the same colleges :)</p>

<p>So thats it. we have nothin else to talk about. Come on poeple something anything. anyone know anyone who got accepted ED with aid.</p>

<p>What else do we have to talk about other than admissions and decisions? :frowning: It’s a tough time for everyone everywhere. What about you Karpov? What are the other colleges that you have applied to? N where are you from? :)</p>

<p>I’m from Sri Lanka! Yes, I applied for quite a lot of aid too so my fingers are crossed. ;-)</p>

<p>Hey am from Uganda. I was put on the waiting list. Notification in May. family contribution $6,000. i am keeping my fingers crossed. I am so worried</p>

<p>mwaka_emmanuel, sorry to hear you were waitlisted</p>

<p>Did they start sending out RD decisions? 'cause I haven’t heard back yet. When did you receive the decision?</p>

<p>I have also been waitlisted. I received the email on March 6.</p>

<p>hey…even I am an intl RD applicant(was deffered from EA) and I havnt heard from them till now…should I email them and ask them about my decision or should I just wait???</p>

<p>codemonkey, I’m in the same situation. I think I’ll just wait until April 1 and if I haven’t heard back by then I’ll email them.</p>

<p>I got my notification about being wait listed aroud March 3…it was like four days after my application was made complete. neethu16 have you been asked to write a supplimentary essay and have you faxed it yet?</p>

<p>hey…has any intl been accepted to Trinity??? cuz a lot of people whom I know have either been rejected or waitlisted : (</p>

<p>I received my acceptance letter in early March. However, although TrinityU offers me a scholarship, my parents couldn’t afford it.</p>

<p>Does an EA deferral applicant have chance?</p>

Hey, I have been trying to find someone to ask where I should my essay to. I still haven’t received any reply from admissions. Can you temme what you did?</p>

<p>@ neethu16
I faxed my essay to Eric Maloof…his fax is 1-210-999-8164
I faxed my essay and sent an email asking whether they had received it but I haven’t yet got any reply.</p>

How much was your scholarship worth?</p>

<p>@mwaka_emmanuel: 15.000 USD only
@everyone : Just curious. What is topic of additional essay for waitlisted?</p>