International Relations

<p>I am thinking about pursuing International Relations at college, but am confused as to what I can do about it after college? What options are out there for IR majors? AND what do most IR majors end up doing? Your opinion would be valuable.</p>

<p>A lot of things such as working for McDoanlds, Starbucks, Wal-Mart to CIA, FBI, State department, white house, united nation, and blah blah blah.
Most IR majors in colleges end up working at some random institutions that don't pay much.
You can do a lot with IR, but it all depends on you and your networking skills.
If you are an IR major, I recommend you to learn a critical language immediately. Those critical languages are in high demands, and they all are Asian languages: Chinese,Arabic,Farsi,Urdu,and Korean.
I personally am fluent in everything Chinese, and I want to become a Sino-Taiwanese relation specialist. Yeah right, what do not so smart asians do? Study their own countries! muhahahahaha</p>

<p>IR majors most probably need to go to graduate school. Law or business or an academic track in IR.</p>