international SOAR

<p>hey guys, does anyone know about the schedule of international soar? I've got a rough overview of it from UW-madison's web, but I wanna know the details. i.e. is the evening social activities optional (b/c i needa walk back to my temporary accomodation b4 moving into the dorm, really dont wanna walk back in the dark by myself), and do we(international students) also hv dinner together like the soar for american students?</p>

<p>Any knowledge about the details would be so appreciated. thx in advance.</p>

<p>You don’t have to walk back by yourself. There are SAFE WALK students waiting to walk back with you. That said, I believe that the 8:30-10:30 pm evening activities are optional, but they are a lot of fun (bowling and rock wall climbing in Union South in groups with people who may be living in your same dorm).</p>

<p>I’ll be working the international SOARs this August but don’t have the details on what exactly the schedule is yet. I know it is a bit different than the typical freshmen day in that small group stuff won’t be happening, but there should be dinner and stuff. I can update is with more info when I get it.</p>

<p>look forward to hear back from you, Cryto. XD</p>

<p>Feel free to email SOAR with your questions as well.</p>

<p>Same question. I’m an international student and I’m wondering what the schedule is for the 22nd at least. Is it similar to the regular SOAR? Do we break up into smaller groups for dinner and stuff too?</p>

<p>I read somewhere that we will have more information by the end of July.</p>

<p>Ok so I have some vague details on how SOAR works for international students this next week:</p>

<p>First day they will be doing check in which has them checking in with SOAR, ISS, and some other program. Have your passport!</p>

<p>Later on there will be some presentations with information about campus and what not. Not sure if there will be dinner or not for students. That night I believe is a student late night with students in the Sett socializing and meeting with peers to rock climb, play pool, bowl, play rock band, board games, karaoke, etc.</p>

<p>Next day may be some more presentations concerning academics/other things, there will be a student panel to answer questions, probably a lunch with students etc.</p>

<p>At some point within the next week there is a specified day for students to meet with advisors and start enrolling in classes.</p>

<p>As I said this is general/vague, but just an update for folks interested!</p>