International Student looking for good 'party schools' in the U.S. of A.!

<p>I agree that law students are not a party crowd (having once been a law student myself). Law school is intensely competitive to get into, and once you get in, its competitive to get the best grades. So, you’ll find that most law students spend their free time studying. Also, as noted, law students are older and more mature, way past the party scene. A good number of law students are married or have taken several years after college to work. It sounds like you are unfamiliar with the atmosphere of US law schools. suggest that you watch the movie “Paper Chase” to get a flavor, or read the book One L by Scott Turow.</p>

<p>Since you listed Hastings as one of your options, I assume you will be taking classes at the Law school, not at the undergraduate college. If that is the case, the party scene will be the same at most Law schools you go to. The best law school on your list is Stanford. After Stanford, I would say Cornell, Duke, Michigan, NYU, Penn and UVa are all about the same.</p>