International Student with no EFC! What are my chances :(

So Im a Vietnamese senior student with an American Dream. With a 2300 on SAT, 9/10 GPA (on a Vietnamese scale, and it equals 3.8 or 4/4 i guess), Ielts 8.0 and good EC, I was always hopeful that I’d get a scholarship to the US. I dont dream of Ivy League or sth…
But then I found out my EFC is 0. Im from a small poor province in Vietnam, and tho my parents work hard they only gain around $15k or so…
Im kinda hopeless now…I really dont think I can get into those need blind schools (aka the top 20 schools) nor can qualify for any full ride from a need-aware schools :frowning: even worse I have fallen in love with Furman…its sad.
So do any of you know any needblind school outside the elite ones? Or anyway that I can get a full tuition if not full ride? It would mean a lot to me! Ive always dreamed of and worked hard for this! Thank you!

Your chances aren’t good – no international students’ chances are good if they need extended financial aid.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Research this site for lists of schools which have in the past given generous FA to outstanding international students. If you’re female, consider applying to all-women’s schools such as Smith College. Check out University of Alabama automatic scholarships or Howard University. You could also consider smaller, lesser known Catholic universities which can be at times generous. Use search engines on this site, or College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools. And good luck!

@mom2collegekids, would you please post your great links for the OP? I promise to bookmark them this time…

Thank you @katliamom ! I heard that the Uni of Alabama’s automatic scholarship policy has ended some years ago! And Im non-religious btw, is it ok for me to attend a Catholic school? And what do you think is the best EFC? I read somewhere that the lower it is the better? Thank you again!

Thank you moms!! ’ @collegemom3717 and @mom2collegekids !

This is where research comes in handy.

Many non-Catholic students (in fact, non-Christians) attend Catholic universities, many of which are quite famous. (Georgetown, for example.) So at MOST Catholic schools that won’t be an issue - unless you have a problem being in a classroom that has a cross in it, or a religious statue on campus, etc.

I don’t know what you mean by ‘best EFC’ – you clearly will need 100% financial aid, including room and board, etc. That is very hard to find - and many outstanding students will be competing for it. Many schools could offer you a partial scholarship, but that won’t help you. You clearly can’t pay thousands or tens of thousands of dollars per year. You will need what’s called a “full ride.”

Most colleges don’t have multi-billion dollar endowments; therefore, they don’t have limitless FA. And even for need-blind, meets 100% need schools, that policy may not apply to int’l students. And many schools see that it is more financially rational to give small merit aid awards to several students, rather than give one 100% award to one student.

Being a financially needy int’l student will almost always put you at a competitive admissions disadvantage vs a financially needy domestic student. How will you afford airfare? For a US school to offer airfare form Vietnam, it will cost a heck of a lot more than a domestic airline ticket.

@undeuxtroiscat yea I researched this already but it said For OOS and idk if Int’l can be called OOS? Thanks by the way

@katliamom thankkkk you! :smiley: I’ve just found some Catholic schools offering free tuition! Thanks!

@GMTplus7 yeah its indeed hard! And dont worry about the airfare! Its affordable for us ^^ the problem now is how to get admitted with a generous aid! Thank you :slight_smile:

I puzzled how a family that earns only $15k per year can afford the airfare. The cheapest ticket from SGN to the US is over $1000.

Are there some other source of income you have not described-- a rich uncle?

Nominal per-capita GDP in Vietnam is only about $2,000, so a family with a yearly income of $15k could easily be in a position to make a one-time $2k investment into airfare.

“one-time”??? The OP is a student, not an immigrant. OP should expect to fly “home” at least once a year.

@GMTplus7 the living expanse in Vietnam is low dear. despite such low numbers on paper we do have a pretty comfortable life with all amenities, so setting aside $1000 per year wouldnt be that hard. And yea we do have some wealthy relatives and friends. The most important question now is how can I get to the US with a full ride or at least full tuition. Im trying my best for it :slight_smile:

Do these wealthy relatives provide support to your family?

@GMTplus7 well actually yes, but not on paper i suppose :< the EFC really depends on our family’s financial conditions. Btw, GMTPLUS7, r you from Vietnam or somewhere around it?

I am an America living overseas, and I see this all the time when I interview international applicants for my S’s school. Foreigners with substantial undeclared income, asking for FA.

This is why I think US colleges should only give merit money to international students, not need-based FA. There is so much fraud.

@GMTplus7 lol What I mean is, my parents can borrow their money without any bank involvement to help me to school (just borrow, we’ll have to pay later). Its not like they can give us $1000 for nothing. What I mean is that this borrowed money wouldnt show on paper. But still, we dont have that ‘substantial undeclared income’ lol.


What does a country’s per capita GDP have to do with any particular family’s standard of living? Qatar has a per capita GDP of over $140k because it has one of the largest natural gas fields in the world.