International student

Hi guys!!!
So, I’m an 18 year old girl from Australia and from July-December next year I’ll be studying at the university of Miami coral gables !!!

I feel like I’m going in completely blind and university life in Australia is completely different from what I’ve read… and the main part that I’m interested in is party life !!! I’m coming to experience American life and that is guaranteed with the whole studying part so I don’t really need help with that, but I have questions about social life !
I can arrange a fake ID or 2 because I hear clubbing is big, but with parties, such as frat parties , does age matter ?? I’ll be 19 when I’m there! And don’t want to miss out on house parties cause of my Age
Also, are there loads of food places on campus, ? (Love to eat and don’t enjoy college student budget food )
What is considered the party dorm ? I’d love to choose that one
Also, can someone please enlighten me about Greek life … I would love to join a sorority but I’m confused about pledging and if I’d be allowed as an exchange student and if the sorority girls live together ?
Are there usually parties and how do you find out about them ? And is everyone friendly because I’m coming alone but I would like to rapidly make some girl friendsss or boy friends and party up …
Also what is the go on drugs ? Embraced, frowned upon, easy to get?
Also , transport to places !!! The beach, or is there like a town where people go??

Sorry that my list is extensive but yeah … I’m super out going but I also value my grades and here In Australia I’ve managed to balance getting completely wasted several times a week with my studies and maintaining a 3.5 GPA . So, I like to study and work my brain and I also love to read books so I’m sort of an introverted extrovert …I love to stay home and be alone but really, my grades won’t matter as long as I’m passing, since I’m on exchange!!! :smiley: help meeeee please

I am a parent, so I can help with a few of these:

I can arrange a fake ID or 2 because I hear clubbing is big, but with parties, such as frat parties , does age matter ?? I’ll be 19 when I’m there! And don’t want to miss out on house parties cause of my Age

  • I’m not going to answer that one, but drinking on campus is not allowed and you will be in trouble if caught. Like all large US universities, there is underage drinking available off campus.

Also, are there loads of food places on campus, ? (Love to eat and don’t enjoy college student budget food )

  • the dining food is awful but there is also a food court and other eating options on campus. There are also lots of fast food to casual dining options within walking distance.

What is considered the party dorm ? I’d love to choose that one

  • All of the freshman live in either Hecht or Stanford dorms and most of the rooms are doubles. I assume that you would probably get put in there.

Also, can someone please enlighten me about Greek life … I would love to join a sorority but I’m confused about pledging and if I’d be allowed as an exchange student and if the sorority girls live together ?

  • The “rushing” (joining) takes place in the January semester. I’m not sure if you can rush if you are only there for 6 months

Are there usually parties and how do you find out about them ? And is everyone friendly because I’m coming alone but I would like to rapidly make some girl friendsss or boy friends and party up …

  • UM is a very social school. It is easy to make friends (Americans are generally very friendly) and you should have no trouble finding out about events.

Also what is the go on drugs ? Embraced, frowned upon, easy to get?

  • I am not touching that one.

Also , transport to places !!! The beach, or is there like a town where people go??

  • There is a light rail station right next to campus that will take you downtown. There is a large shopping and eating area in Coconut Grove about 2km from campus, which is popular on weekends. You can also go to South Beach in 30 minutes but it is expensive to go there by Uber.

Great, thank you heaps this has been very helpful! Just another question about dorms - When I get there I will be a sophomore, does this still mean I’ll be put in the dorms you mentioned? And sharing?

Also, RE the ‘rushing’ - I thought the school year started in July? That’s when I’ll be getting there … is there a chance to rush again mid year?

Thank you for answering my questions !

^ There are other dorms that predominantly contain sophomores, so you will probably end up in one of those. I think these are suite style (you will share a bathroom and sitting rooms with other rooms). I am pretty sure that there are both single and double rooms available.

I’m not sure about rushing - maybe send another thread on this question?

Can I just add a little information? I’m not that familiar with Florida colleges. I’m familiar with Southern California colleges and am a parent to three adult children who have all gone through the process at different universities.

Most universities in the US don’t start until mid to late August. Better check start dates or you will be one lonely, sweaty, humid person come July.

Where are you getting your misinformation about US colleges?

It’s not what appears on TV/movies. Do you think it is 4 long years of nothing but partying?

Believe it or not, students are concerned about grades because they need to be considered employable. A decent GPA is important for future occupations, such that many students will be too busy to “party” nightly with you. If you put out the vibe that you are constantly on the look-out for parties, your reputation will be labeled and decent people will avoid you like the plague. You will find those that will not mind your “vibrant” personality.

Right now, women on US college campuses are concerned about being taken advantage of or, being sexually assaulted. Asking about FRAT parties, fake ID’s and underage drinking sounds like a recipe for trouble and that is the message you are presently sending. It sounds like you are only coming to the US to “party” and, sadly, with this attitude, you will find “companions” that will take advantage of you such that you may get hurt.

Please come to the US and enjoy your college cultural experience. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. Don’t flub it up by focusing on one very small detractor.

If you think you can “PARTY” and do well in your classes, you are sadly mistaken: you can be expelled.

^ Unfortunately, UM is a bit of a throwback. There are lots of rich kids who have way too much money and party way too much! While the majority of UM students are serious about school, there is a small minority who do not and tend to stick out in the local bars.

@londondad, good to know. I’m sure she will immediately find their company and “party” to her heart’s content.