<p>Hey guys :)</p>
<p>So I'm an international student coming all the way from Europe to Michigan. I'm going to move-in early on the 23rd right before my orientation on the 24th.
Is anyone else moving-in on that day ?
I'm stressed out about stupid things like eating alone in the cafeteria or getting lost or something since most of the freshmen arrive on the 28th xD
Soooo, shout-outs from stressed out international students please ? :D
And is anyone staying in Marey Markley ?</p>
<p>You’ll be fine, since there’s a ton of international students who will be moving in early as well and y’all will be going to orientation. That’s where I met people who I hung out with for the first few weeks of college.</p>
<p>Welcome to Michigan! Go Blue!</p>
<p>I’m moving in on that day as an intl student too, and I’m sure there’re plenty of others from all over the world. We’ll be fine hopefully!
I’m not staying in Markley though but South Quad.</p>
<p>Move In Makers will be moving in on the 24th, so there will be plenty of people to meet.</p>
<p>Yup I’m moving in on the 23rd as well, and yes I’ll be staying in Markley :D</p>
<p>Do international students have to pay additional fees to move-in early on the 23rd Aug? Thanks!</p>
<p>paperstars123 I believe so.
The e-mail I received a few days ago said:
“<strong><em>The Office of New Student Programs has already contacted Housing on your
behalf to arrange for Early Move-In so that you may attend the
International Orientation program in its entirety. If you have a Housing
contract, you may move into your permanent room on August 23. The cost for
Early Move in is $78.00 per day for room and board (included two meals per
day) until the beginning date of your contract.</em></strong>”</p>
<p>I would email the housing people about early move in. Say you need to move in early for international orientation. It seems entirely unfair that they make you pay a fee (and a big one at that) for something that’s required. I don’t remember paying a fee when I moved in early for int. orientation, but then again I was also a move-in maker.</p>
<p>You have to pay for regular orientation so why wouldnt you pay for international orientation? I think it was over $200 added to the bill I just paid - maybe closer to $300…</p>