<p>WHO ELSE APPLIED? Maybe we can start some pre-ISSYP discussions on theoretical physics. What a good way to know each other!
Anyways, are any of u familiar w/ the works of Lee Smolin?
Quantum Loop Theory?</p>
<p>Hey Jules,
Did you have any physics olympiad/ competitive physics/math competition?
I am not part of usapho, but I thought I wrote a really good essay( the best in my life...because it's something i took to a personal level). I also had a former professor at UC Davis( who is currently an independent researcher right now) and a string theorist from a nearby (prestigious) University write a letter of recommendation for me. I have established a correspondence, discussing these topics w/ them for the past three years. But i dunno... I think I would really deserve to go there, but then again, there maybe others more deserving than me... Anyways...Jules, did u meet Lee Smolin? Why exactly does he refute string theory?
<p>i did have physics olympiads and stuff, but many of the other kids there didn't. there were people with international prizes, but most of the people just had a passion for physics. i think the essay counts the most and with that recommendation you're sure to get in :)
yes, i did meet lee smolin, but i am embarassed to admit that at that time i didn't know who he was. he's a very smart guy, we harassed him with dozens of questions. some people even had him autograph a copy of his book.</p>
<p>list came out...hmm..there is only 80 participants
what happened to the other 20?
Maybe they will add the other 20 later....
I am not on it yet...:(</p>