<p>hey guys, I just wanted to start a thread about writing section
here are some questions.</p>
<p>how many "no error"s did you get? I got four.
three of them were in order like,
No Error - Answer - No Error - Answer - No Error
I think they were like 23, 25, 27</p>
<p>One of the no errors I got was the one that ended with "if he were mad"</p>
<p>also a question on
"audiences that had never been"
"audiences who have never been"
I chose the first one....</p>
<p>anyone remember anything else?
Today, the writing section appeared on section 3, so I totally thought it was a dummy, so I just totally went through without agonizing or thinking hard, and then after like section 4, I realized taht the dummy was actually one of the readings.. ****.. lol :(</p>
<p>I personally think the reading was too hard today.</p>
<p>i dont remember any of my writing questions except 1 :S, i dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing
ps… for the hamlet one, did everyone get E?</p>
<p>We’ll have to wait and see…I know at least 10 people from my own testing center plus bunch of CC-ers who all said E, but who knows? We might be wrong :P</p>
<p>i live in singapore. but my sources are generally people who got 800 for their writing. for the even/odd number question the first three people i asked all thought 0 was not an even number so there’s no meaning in asking people at your test center. </p>
<p>i dont see anything wrong with “suggest to look”,
the audience one was easy, u probably dont remember,
“audiences who had never before been interested…”</p>
<p>ETA: “Suggest to” is used to indicate the recipient of the suggestion.
I suggested to Margaret that she could buy Sarah a digital camera for Christmas.</p>