International travel for HS Students

<p>Does anyone have any recommendations for international summer travel programs for high school students (like three weeks in Europe or to Australia or something along those lines)?</p>

<p>Not necessarily academically-based to help get into college - something for a HS student just to travel and enjoy himself/herself.</p>

<p>My parents took me and my sister to Europe for three and a half weeks. It was pretty enjoyable and less expensive than most programs.</p>

<p>Rustic Pathways is a high school travel program that goes all over the world (South America, Southeast Asia, China, Africa, Fiji, Australia, etc.) A lot of their trips are community service trips but there’s some that you can just go to visit and tour a new country. There’s also some targeted to kids with specific interests like soccer, surfing, and photography. I went last year to Thailand, Cambodia, and China for two months and did mostly community service (building/painting schools and houses, teaching english to kids, working in rice fields and doing other field work). You don’t have to go that long though… you can put together different trips so you choose where you go, how long you go for, and what you do. I love the program, and am going back this summer again.</p>

<p>I have friends that had great experiences with this organization:</p>

<p>[Student</a> Travel and Community Service Programs for High School Students and teens ages 12 to 19](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>You should give your kid a couple benjamins and send him packing. I’m sure he’ll manage to have a good time.</p>

<p>Colleges seem to like students that travel. I’m not saying that should be the motivation, but it’s fun, nonetheless, to get out of the country and experience different cultures; become more aware of the world.</p>