International with major financial problem

<p>Hey. I'm an international from India and I got accepted into Viterbi. However, since I missed the scholarship deadline and internationals don't qualify for need-based aid, I didn't get any aid. However, my family income is VERY less. Like, VERY VERY less. I can't even afford to pay a twentieth of the total fees. Thus, I sent an appeal to the dean, Timothy Brunold, detailing my situation, explaining how USC is a perfect fit for me, and pretty much begging for a near full ride. I sent it on Monday, but didn't get a reply. So I re-sent it yesterday. Do you think there's any chance at all of this working out?</p>

<p>i don’t think so. but…it can be</p>

<p>otherwise, I think many of the indians can’t pay for US top universities. Mostly those Indians who are intelligent belong to middle class households. I am one of them and my family is planning to sell a plot for my studies. I don’t think that there is a way out. We are intelligent but not genius who could get into top universities offering FA.</p>

<p>Thanks, but I didn’t get your last line.</p>

<p>And my parents don’t have any assets. We don’t own our house, and we certainly don’t own any land, in fact, nothing which can be sold to pay for my education.</p>

<p>In the last line I said that- Obviously we both are intelligent; but we aren’t genius who could get into mit or harvard or some other top university which offers complete aid.</p>

<p>btw- r u giving aieee, bits or iit?</p>

<p>if it can work, all chinese have got full-tuition Financial aid.</p>

<p>@Carreshwell - Oh ok. And no, I’m not giving any entrances. I’m not good at physics and chemistry, and that’s putting it very mildly.</p>

<p>@ChongShu - Do you mean every Chinese that applied got full-tuition or if my plea works every chinese will get full tuition? If the former, then the chinese you’re talking about, they must have applied before the scholarship deadline, right? Or did they get FA even after missing this deadline?</p>

<p>It’s definitely not the former, ■■■■■.</p>

<p>Anurag, I’m sorry to hear about your situation. If it works out somehow, wonderful! If not man, I’m sure you’ll find a great alternative to USC.</p>

<p>I think he means that if it were possible for one international to get full aid past the scholarship deadline, every other international would be asking for aid too.</p>

<p>Yeah I figured that later. I guess it would be unfair to other needy internationals if I were offered aid, but then I’m pretty certain that I have one of the worst (possibly the worst) financial situations among the admitted students. </p>

<p>Besides, I think USC’s ignored my email so it probably won’t work out. I think even if I did apply before the deadline it wouldn’t have worked because the biggest scholarship is just full-tuition and I can’t pay for everything else either.</p>

<p>It’s sad that I can’t pursue what I want to in India. Then I wouldn’t be in this mess.</p>

<p>^ You should probably wait a little longer for a reply. I really don’t think they’d just ignore your email. Even if they were not able to offer aid, they’d still notify you. But if somehow you don’t hear within the next few days, maybe you should try calling the financial aid office. I have to warn you though; they’re getting a LOT of calls these few days so you may have to spend some time waiting on the phone.</p>

<p>anurag, what exactly do you want to pursue, if you don’t mind saying?</p>

<p>@blissfulting : That’s what I’m hoping…that once the current financial rush passes in the office (hopefully in the next few days), they’ll get around to my mail. </p>

<p>@MagicalMalik : Not at all. I’ve got into Viterbi with Comp Sc (Games), (same as you if i’m not mistaken), but I also want to study English and music, especially since USC has a non-classical program. So academically, it fits me better than any other college.</p>