Internship and gpa question?

<p>So I'm trying getting ready to apply for some internships this summer/next school year, but I am not sure what I should put down GPA wise. I didn't do so hot starting out in college, but I've got it together the last 2 years and have gotten 3.4 average for that time, where I've taken most of my engineering classes. But my overall GPA is still just below 3.0. </p>

<p>Alot of internships have the 3.0 cutoff so i was wondering, can I put down the 3.4 on my resume or is there something I can do to emphasize that I have been doing better? I'm not really sure how to go about it. I still have one year left of school but it would be great to get some work experience before graduating or grad school, esp. Since there are a few good companies around my school (ucsd)</p>


<p>Not that many internships have a 3.0 cutoff. When I was applying only a few mentioned that in their post and most didn’t ask for my gpa during interviews</p>