Internship dilemma...what would you do?

<p>I am a junior and I interned at a pretty big company last summer and they've asked me to return next summer...However, they want an answer pretty soon...</p>

<p>I enjoyed the internship but the technical area I worked in probably isn't what I want to do full-time...At the same time, there's the possibility that I won't be able to find another internship...</p>

<p>Would you take the risk and try looking for another one? or would you take the offer?</p>

<p>Tricky situation… have you had your career day yet?</p>

<p>we had a career fair but most are looking for full time right now…they say they’ll start looking for interns in the spring…</p>

<p>but I did have an interview for an internship but didn’t get it…</p>