Internship HR guy help

I’ve gotten interviews and stuff for summer internships but now I am in a predicament. For one company, I did two rounds of interview and the recruiter said he would later let me know of my status. I emailed once following up after the interview (never heard back), then about 3-4 weeks later I emailed again asking for an update on my application status as he originally mentioned that i would know pretty quickly thereafter. About this time, I just randomly received a call from him one day but unfortunately it went to my missed call. I tried calling back but there was no response and then I also emailed him again asking if I should call back at a later time. Again no response.

What the heck do I do? I have no clue whether this is just a nice formal rejection call or a we are still interested in call because this HR guy literally is terrible at responding.


No response could mean many things. The position could be on hold or cancelled or filled. It could be that they just can’t be bother responding. Sad but that is the world we live in. I always felt that if you interview in person then you should get a formal response but that is not the real world. At this point, it sounds like they are not interested in hiring you.

Instead of contacting HR have you tried contacting the hiring manager? You could email/phone the hiring manager and state that you are still interested and inquire where they are in the process. If that doesn’t get a response then it is highly likely that it is time to let go.