Internship Interviews

<p>So, I heard that Microsoft, and many other big companies have telephone interviews and then they call you over to the headquarters. In VA Tech, do they conduct telephone interviews or do they interview on campus before they invite you to the final round of interviews at the headquarters?</p>

<p>It varies by company. After the big career fairs there are a couple days where many companies stick around and do interviews on campus. For some that actually is the only and final interview. For some that’s the first round and future rounds will be either over the phone or on-site (and nobody I ever interviewed for didn’t cover all expenses, flight/hotel/food while there.)</p>

<p>@chuy I am talking about big companies like MS, Google, Amazon etc.</p>

<p>@agg999‌ Chuy was correct. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft all do exactly like Chuy said. </p>

<p>Edit: Google has actually become less active with recruiting at Virginia Tech. They still give tech talks and stuff but they weren’t at the Fall or Spring career fair. They make everyone apply online and you wont get a special interview like Microsoft or Amazon traditionally give. </p>

<p>So for them you’ll apply online, get a phone interview, and maybe get a second or get flown to Mountain View. </p>

<p>@CloudyCloud‌ Are on-campus interviews for Microsoft and Amazon way easier than the headquarter interviews? I mean are there more behavioral questions or technical question for the on-campus interviews? Could you share with me an experience, if possible. Thanks!</p>

<p>Microsoft headquarter interviews are harder than the on campus ones. </p>

<p>Amazon is pretty frugal and I’ve never heard of them flying anyone out to Seattle. I’ve always heard of phone interviews then a decision, but don’t hold me to it. </p>

<p>You shouldn’t worry about interviews just yet. Wait until you actually start taking college level classes. </p>

<p>@CloudyCloud‌ I see, but I might have to deal with interviews starting this September. Just want to know if Microsoft’s on-campus interviews are more technical-based (like they ask you to write code) or more about talking about yourself and behavioral question?</p>

<p>@agg999, you are asking interviewing questions in the wrong forum. There are plenty of very detailed accounts of Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and similar companies’ interviews from the very people who’s been through them. Try,, and the plain old google search.</p>

<p>@Dad4Engineering‌ The on-campus interviews are different for each school. I just want to know the difficulty of the on-campus interviews for these big companies. The websites you are talking about are for the headquarter interviews.</p>

<p>Why would on-campus interviews be different for each school? The company is looking for certain specific qualities in their interns across all schools they are interviewing.</p>

<p>@Dad4Engineering‌ Some have tele interview, some have on-site etc. Plus, it is just satisfying to get an answer from a person attending Tech. AND, I am not answering for questions. I just want to know if the on-campus interviews for big companies are more technical or more personal Q/A based. The online forums are inconsistent. They are good to prepare for the interview though. I just want to get an idea.</p>

<p>Interviews are not different for each school. </p>

<p>A company shows up to your school for whatever reason and conduct on site interviews. If they aren’t at your campus then you get a phone interview or whatever the company whats to do. </p>

<p>The interview questions are whatever the company wants to ask you. You’ll probably get a technical and behavioral questions. </p>

<p>@CloudyCloud‌ Do you know if Microsoft conducts interviews on-campus in September after the fair for the Explorer internship candidates?</p>